Hail, and well met!
Some people claim that the CODE. alliance is filled with roleplaying griefers, but nobody defies that stereotype more than Hero of HiSec. A space capsuleer who speaks in archaic Ænglish is nay ken a rollinplaye. The only conclusion we can draw is that Hero of HiSec is a real-life professor of classical literature, and an avid reader of such great works as The Tales of Caunterbury and (my personal favourite) Piers Plowman.
At thine pleasure, feast thine baleful eies upon yonder parchment of drawings of ye olde LOCAL! Verily and forsooth, dost thine Hero bringeth yon minere in upon ye newe channele Why Was I Ganked? forthwith to stand in solemnfull judgment!
Highsec ore thief I am Null‘s alt Amadeusalvin Yip was thus caught in violation of feudal lawe, and brought before the High Court of thine Princesse most faiere. This wasn’t Amadeusalvin’s first encounter with a shining knight of the Order.
According to Amadeusalvin, he had already purchased a mining permit, and he objected to the notion that he might be expected to obtain yet another permit. It was an outrageous and totalitarian scam, much like being forced to pay for both a license plate and a sticker upon said plate! Was this illegal??? Was Hero of HiSec even a true CODE. agent? Was this all a trick most foule and wrecched?????
Your Awesum Brutha was asked to review his own records, and conducted a full investigation of the matter. As it turns out, Amadeusalvin was a criminal, and Hero of HiSec was once again lauded as a true knight of the realm.
However, this was not enough for Amadeusalvin, who appealed his case to the highest court of Halaima, where Sexy Shower Time sat in stern judgment. Everything was now on the line. If Amadeusalvin were found innocent, then our Hero and your Burtha would both be thrown into a cauldron of boiling neutrons. However, what if Amadeusalvin were once again judged guilty? Sexy Shower Time reviewed all the evidence, and rendered her OFFICIAL verdict. Can you guess what she decided?
Let’s take a moment to review some particular facts…
Did you correctly guess what the Honorable Sexy Shower Time would decide? That’s right, she judged the miner was indeed a sinnere, and allowed our Hero to once again seize hold of the condemned prisoner.
Jaymes beest deadh, yett yondr þrymman hroes off sé Neweordr doth liveth!