Deal Storm, Part 7

Deal Storm, Part 1

Previously, in James 315 Space… Warrior McQueen lost his Mackinaw, and promptly ordered another one for 100 million isk. He also needed to pay 30 million isk, plus 10 million isk, plus 30 million. Afterward, he needed to pay 30 million, but he only had 4 million. Where would he find another 26 million?

Some people say that Princess Aiko is evil, in real-life. However, Aiko waited patiently, giving Warrior time to fundraise.

Warrior sniffled, and his miner brain began to whir.

That little wench already charged 30 40 70 million for delivery. So why was he being asked to pay Whadda Badasaz?

Well, that explains it! Typical space Wobblies…

Warrior was fed up with hidden charges, but the fee was non-refunable. Get it?

He gradually scraped together enough cash to pay the fee.

Warrior paid in full, and there was just one last thing…

It’s just a 30 million isk processing fee. That’s actually a discounted rate.

Oh wait, it looks like there has been some kind of misunderstanding.

Warrior had a question.

Can you guess the answer?

To be continued…








Zabójstwa Tygodnia

Kills of the Previous Week

Cześć przyjaciele! Today is Sunday, so here are some niedźwiedzie, purified between November 29 @ 00:00 and December 5 @ 23:59.


Good ol Cutchybank never ceases to amaze us. This is his third appearance, and lately he has been trying to reign in his expenses. Nevertheless, he’s still blinged out like a madman, and I’m gonna guess that Votre Dieu knows exactly where to find him.


AnderwwwDeathGrind intended to grind hard, until the day he died. It all happened so fast, he didn’t even have time to board his escape capsule.

Antiganking carebears have responded with a flurry of forum posts.


FreaZy Akachi didn’t anticipate MrDiao would have a warp disruptor, nor did he expect the Triglavians to grief him. Good fight!


killdashnine knew two things about CODE. First, we are afraid of lowsec. Secondly, we don’t shoot ships that can shoot back. Therefore, he felt totally safe. Unfortunately, Julian Snelders ganked him with an Astrahus. Elite PvP! The word in the belt is that killdashnine was upset, because someone shot a Venture.


Adrian IV stuffed his battleship full of blueprints, and tried to plow straight through Sivala. As you might imagine, it just didn’t work.


blu c blu filled his head with the usual garbage, and died.

The Best Revenge, Part 93

The Best Revenge, Part 1
The Best Revenge, Part 78

Previously, in James 315 Space… The long Antarctic winter cast frigid winds across the southern hemisphere, and the mighty High Lord Space Star avia naali, aka aiva naali, aka Australian Excellence, aka loyalanon, aka aka, was determined to survive long enough to seize control of the galaxy.

avia was concerned the Horde might attempt a winter offensive.

Meanwhile, Goonswarm’s elite Military Intelligence SIG reported otherwise.

Princess Aiko did not share avia’s concern, but he knew better. The vile double traitor Vily might, at any moment, decide to betray the Swarm.

Indeed, the strategic balance of power was shifting, exactly as avia planned.

Triumphant in his glory, the ‘lil bullet, aka 140, knew victory was in his grasp.

His terms are most merciful.

Pandemic Horde will be exiled to Highsec, and that whore Elise Randolph will be sentenced for life to Kamio IV belt 4, permanently confined in a mining Tarya. With these details settled, avia returned to the ongoing war.

Inspired by the tale of Globby, avia continued to produce new supperweapons.

The Suppercomputer also ordered the creation of a wormhole truck stop.

At times, it was necessary to address financial matters, and avia requested that his personal secretary, Princess Aiko, provide him with an official receipt.

Finally, she processed the requisite paperwork.

The Director Level Buyin Confirmation Security Card serves as High Lord avia’s official laminated ID badge, allowing top security clearance in all Goonswarm affiliated organizations (including the town of Pearl River). Furthermore, it doubles as an Ice Mountain Ski Pass, during the annual alliance trip to Colorado Springs.

To be continued…

Not a miner!

Miners insist they aren’t miners.

They are notorious liars.

Carebears don’t care about truth, or justice.

I hear it all the time.

It’s like they are ashamed to be mining bots.

They think we haven’t heard all this before?

Why are they even mining, in high sec?

They invent the wildest excuses and explanations.

None of it makes any sense.

They are absolute liars.

Calm down miners!

When they calm down, they sometimes admit the truth.

High Treason

I bring you dire news.

Some miners have declared themselves to be in a state of rebellion.

Kay AllardLiao has thus composed a manifesto.

If you want to chat in Teamspeak, just let me know.

Buttercup Potemkin went deep undercover to meet the rebel leader.

Buttercup feigned concern about Princess Aiko’s consolidation of power.

AllardLiao was intrigued by Aiko’s ethnicity.

He was surprised to learn of her Palestinian heritage.

Girls from the West Bank should not support space terrorism!

AllardLiao loves the newbros, but Aiko just wants to kill them all.

If newbros can’t win while AFK, they will quit the game.

Nobody plays Wolfenstein anymore. Gamers hate violence!

Kay watched in horror, as Aiko continued to slaughter the innocents.

Alas, Aiko cursed him, and the rebel leader became incoherent.




We are killing it!

Every now and again, as the official Saviourette of the New Order, and High Queen Regent of Highsec, Princess Aiko wonders whether she is a good girl. Are we truly helping these poor miners, or are we just destroying their last barge, after they’ve already lost everything in real-life? Is it cruel to put them out of their misery?

Most carebears live in a nightmarish post-Soviet apocalyptic wasteland, where lights are constantly flickering, and they can barely stay logged in long enough to complete a single mining cycle. Is it wrong to euthanize them?

Of course, I am the heroin of Highsec. However, a few crabs believe I am evil, in real-life. They even use real-life cellphones to warn each other.

Most people see me as a fun sexy James 315, wearing a tiara whilst clubbing in Monaco. They watch me take shots of cranberry vodka, and adore my tight leather miniskirts. However, some conspiracy theorists claim that Aiko is a witch, spreading darkness throughout the galaxy. She might be cute, but she’s evil!

Yes, Aiko is a Princess, but she’s also one of those southern Italian stregas. A goomah with a villa in Naples, who goes on ‘business trips’ to Albania.

It’s ok to extort newbros in nullsec, but to do it in Highsec? Santo cielo!

Over on Facebook, there’s a lot of concern about what is happening. What will we do if all the Highsec miners quit, because of mean space bullies?

Apparently, we are killing it!

This is how it happens. An AFK miner returned to their computer, and realized they don’t enjoy EVE. Just like that, CCP lost another free to play ‘customer’.

It was one of those melodramatic Shakespearean deaths, where Fiona lingered on stage, slowly dying amidst the mockery of the audience.

Goodbye, Fiona. Thank you for your mining service.

I’m a winner!






Fuck! #3

Previously, in James 315 Space, miners learned a new word.

Sometimes, they can’t spell it.

Regardless, they love to use it.

They know exactly what it means.

It has something to do with sex.

It also has something to do with me.

I think they want to fuck me.

Oh yah, they want it so bad.

Some miners even like my mouth.

I like it too!

They also want to fuck my friends.

I’m so glad the miners are content.

Such happy little bears.

They are even learning other languages.

“Go fuck morons, frostbitten!”

“Asshole, fuckers!”

“Fuck you, pindos!”

They sure are learning a lot!

I’m glad we met…

…and got to know one another!



Table of Contents: November 2020

Farewell wodger1

wodger1, we barely even knew thee. Will there ever be a wodger2? Alas, your Elara fit Venture was not long for this galaxy. 

wodger1 is (supposedly) dying in real-life, and he just wants to relax. As everyone knows, CCP has won awards from hospice centres, the American Cancer Society, and the National Health Service, which hail Highsec as the perfect place to die in real-life. What better for a dying grandparent, than to die in a Venture?

knuF aknaynA, formerly known as Anyanka Funk, is one of the greatest Thrasher pilots. When she saw wodger1, she had no idea he was dying of cancer (supposedly, maybe), nor did she realize he was hidden inside a lonely post-Apocalyptic bunker, desperately struggling to avoid Wu Flu and survive just one final tragic day. All she knew was that wodger1 didn’t have a mining permit, and he was actively engaged in ore theft.

wodger1 died (in game) and was teleported to a magical place, known as Why Was I Ganked? Here, miners are free to seek solace and comfort. Unfortunately, wodger1 had no desire for adventure. He only wanted to mine.

The words dropped like a bombshell. Wodger1 is sick and frail, desperately wanting to mine one last rock, before that permanent downtime. Of course, according to The Atlantic, people often fake cancer, to obtain sympathy. Huffington Post notes that some people are psychologically driven to pretend they have cancer, to gain advantage. Psychology Today published a warning, that false cancer claims are a common element of real-life scams. From London, BBC Radio reports an epidemic of healthy people, who pretend they are dying from cancer. However, in a game like EVE Online, where nobody ever tells a lie, surely we should give wodger1 special accommodation?

On the other hand, perhaps we should just play the game.

Alas, wodger1 decided to quit. He couldn’t mine peacefully, endlessly, without any challenge whatsoever. So guess what, he’s just gonna go die elsewhere.

I truly meant what I said. I sincerely hope wodger1 enjoyed EVE, and I believe he appreciates knowing that Princess Aiko is somewhere out there, making EVE slightly more stimulating than watching a screensaver.

As wodger1 prepared to uninstall, agents sought to ensure that wodger1’s legacy would live on through other AFK miners. Carebears were utterly appalled. How could evil CODE. agents act with such callous disregard for the life of a miner?

Personally, if my grandfather were dying, I would advise him not to install EVE Online. I would absolutely never suggest that anyone try and utilize the Rookie Help channel. So I don’t feel I did anything wrong. I was nothing but polite, and kindly informed wodger1 that I intend to eradicate the mining caste. If he doesn’t like that, he might prefer playing another game, such as Candy Crush, Farmville, or Minecraft.

Must we pretend that EVE is not a PvP game? I’m a semi-professional chess player, in real-life. I’ve played people who were dying of cancer. I’ve played people in wheelchairs, people who are blind, people who physically cannot move a chess piece. I’ve made little kids cry, with tears weeping down their sad faces. Did you know, they would be absolutely INSULTED if I gave them less than my best PvP?

I’ll say this. Carebears like Curve Ature could have helped wodger1, if they actually wanted. They could have offered to provide him with mining boosts, and given free ships and ore. The carebears could, if they want, create an entire corporation full of self-proclaimed invalids, and work overtime to keep everyone happy. I guess Curve didn’t want to actually do anything to help, he just wanted to virtue signal.

A lot of people claim the CODE. griefs new players, driving them from the game. However, when you look at the facts, this isn’t true. Any new player who wants to learn, will find we are far more helpful than crusty old crabs at EVE University. We will actually show you how to win, and we won’t refer you to some outdated wiki article. However, if all you want to do is AFK in the other room, while your mining alt accrues piddly amounts of passive income… well, we are going to exterminate you.

Before he passed on, wodger1 set me to “excellent standing” and sent a private message. wodger1 doesn’t dislike me, or the CODE. He just doesn’t want to mine anymore. Also, he never actually claimed he was dying. I think he’s just fine.

Good for him!






Marbhadh na Seachdain

Here are some mathain, defeated between November 22 @ 00:00 and November 28 @ 23:59.


Direwolf2000 thought he could pick a scary name, and use an innocent looking Orca to smuggle a Hel blueprint through Uedama. However, Dolphin Don and Nitetime Video weren’t afraid of the big bad wolf.


Klorel Hakaari decided to fly another Hecate, directly against the North Wind. I don’t know who is coming up with these zany doctrines, but they are stupid.


Antiganking goofus Alice Blacktail also had a cunning plan. She fitted her Venture with green stuff, and patiently waited in the belt. She didn’t have to wait long, and Alleil Pollard dropped in for a quick chat. Afterward, Alice gloated in public, because she ‘killed’ Alleil. What a dummy dumdum!


Xrea Nefarious didn’t want to fly his battleship in Highsec, where evil ganker griefers might extirpate him, so he went into hiding. However, IllumuIll Estemaire and Celedion Warseraph found him in the Vale of the Silent. Killboard awarded them each 94 points, so it was a fair fight. No blobbery here!


Catalyst Jhonson 1 was happily mining in her Vindicator, when she encountered a real Catalyst. Unfortunately, her head was full of junk, and she died. Sad!