I sell the best mining permits.

Everybody enjoys customer service.

How much isk will you send me?

Play EvE Online, and find out!

That’s right.

That’s right!

Official Home of the New Order of Highsec
I sell the best mining permits.
Everybody enjoys customer service.
How much isk will you send me?
Play EvE Online, and find out!
That’s right.
That’s right!
Welcome to EvE Online.
This is a serious game.
That’s right.
Cool story bro.
Ok then.
Thanks for the intel.
That’s right.
Cheerzah brav!
Works every time… always!
Contact me with any questions or concerns…
You love it.
Carebears dislike Safety.
They are not happy.
In fact, they are ‘bored’.
They just don’t care.
Miners just don’t get it.
Their time has no value.
That’s right.
That’s right!
Listening to: Gonna Get Back
Simo’s First and Second Mining Permits
I sell a lot of permits.
I’m an irl space celebrity.
Simo bought permits for Ikao and Piekura.
For some reason, he decided to mine in Kamio?
Something went terribly wrong!
His space lawyer explained miner rights.
So simo appealed his conviction.
This is the art of a deal.
I even gave free Sirseshin access.
Simo also upgraded from Third to First Class.
It’s all in the CODE.
“No miner can be lawfully ganked unless they are given a full advance warning, with a 60 second truce allowing them to dock up safely. Second Class citizens receive 120 seconds, and First Class citizens enjoy 300 seconds.”
That’s fair, right?
Everything makes perfect sense.
Later, simo discovered a multibot.
Maybe he will start ganking?
That’s right.
<Hrothy’s Salty Gankbear Tears>
You know I don’t play right
I’m gonna get back when I feel like
I’ll put up a good fight
Uh huh, uh huh
Cheerzah bravs!
Hey there.
Miners need permission.
This is serious space business.
That’s right.
This story isn’t over.
I love permit doubling.
You can stack them for extra Safety.
Cool shades, bro!
To be continued…
I love to help miners.
What happened next?
I made a new friend.
He liked me ship.
I showed him what’s up.
He insisted!
EvE Online is a lot of fun!
Hey there.
Some gankbears are SALTY.
They miss James 315… where’d he go?
Now they’ve got to deal with me.
I’m very popular these days.
I love it.
That’s right.
That’s right…
=Weird Font Color Autism=
Isn’t that right?
We will PvP on you.
That’s right.
That’s right!
EvE Online is not an easy game.
We never forget a miner.
That’s right!
Cheerzah brav!
Hey there.
Every miner has something to say.
They are such good sports.
Have you killed a bot today?
Cheerzah brav!
That’s right.
Inala Ueshi Kouvo > I got a 3 day ban for telling a dude I hope his mother got cancer after he shot up a friend of mine and I in low sec while we were on a mission
Praise Aiko!
That’s right.
Suddenly, antiganker…
He wants to PvP me.
However, my underwire was forged in CHINA.
Get dunked.