Absolute Trash

Listening to: Cat Sky

Remember Cat Sky?

He’s an Absolute Pleb.

Oh, what did you say?

Now you’ve got my attention (again), Mr Lee.

It’s been a busy week, hasn’t it?

Apparently, RoCket X needs my help.

I’m always happy to help a friend.

There’s only one concentration camp allowed in Highsec…

It’s time to evict these Absolute Wannabes!

That’s called justice.

Nobody likes an Absolute Bear.

Ya know what this means?

Welcome to Absolute Safety.

Zivix Spiroski > u dogshit of a persone
Zivix Spiroski > hunting your ass down
Zivix Spiroski > ALL DAY LONG!
Zivix Spiroski > u don’t know me
Zivix Spiroski > i know u irl

That’s right.

That’s right!

Generous donations always accepted.

To be continued…

Rise and Fall of an Antiganker

Antigankers are always salty.

They were ganked, and now they want REVENGE.

First comes the gank, then comes the ‘antigank’.

This never goes according to plan.

CTIRx is one such miner.

He re-invented himself as an antiganker.

Unfortunately, he isn’t a killer.

Just another antiganking stalker.

We know how to deal with them.

That’s right.

Uedama is where the best players in the game…

…get to laugh at the worst.

So he changed systems.

That went as well as expected.

Good fight!


What a miner.

Still Here

Listening to: 2Pac


Hey there.

Welcome to EvE Online.

In this game, you make your own fate.

I fly with the N.I.G.G.A CODE. SAFET crew.

That’s right. OHGOD <-just take a look


It’s not racist, according to 2pac himself.

It’d be more racist to let White progressive activists dictate language. If a Black rapper says that word isn’t racist, and he wants everyone to say it, then who am I to disagree? Who are you? Wow, who knew this blog would offer such a powerful learning moment?

o*=Thoughtful and Nuanced=*o

Like, for real yo. You can buy it on Amazon.

Some people choose to be miners.

Other people choose something else.

This could be your perspective.

However, my perspective is much better.

You know what I mean?

Why won’t anybody stop me?

I guess I’m just better than the rest.


I love taking out the trash!

Burn Jita!

Well, tornado season is finally over.

Oh nice, coercers are coming back.

Wait, what?

So it’s a battleship, and a freighter. Does it also mine?

Yep, it’s a carebear ship…

Everybody values ganking, but…

The losers also want to be invincible.

They don’t like PvP.

They only want infinite hitpoints.

Ganking is just too easy!

Garrr, guankers, hathathat.

Every impotent miner yearns for revenge.

Unfortunately, for bears, not everyone agrees.

Miners are bad at economics.

Most people are idiots.

Here’s how we will respond.

We’ll just haul for free, with AFK and autopilot.

PushX and Red Frog will go out of business.

Yah, for real.

Take that ship to lowsec.

Bro, it’s just broken.


End of an Era, Part 13

End of an Era, Part 1

Incursion bears are down and out.

Losing is never fun.

One by one, ‘leaders’ continue to resign.

We are much more organized than them.

We erased their isk!

Spreadsheet don’t lie.

Yet another ‘leader’ abandoned their own community.

Nobody needs a carebear FC…


Let’s gooooo!

Will Hawk keep going?

Of course…

Meanwhile, ex-leader Sasha continues to undermine morale.


To be continued…

Krig’s Korner, Episode 16

Krig’s Korner, Episode 15

What a battle.

Our team lost nothing.


One man, destroyed them all.

Arion Yael > TLHOG The safety guy took the drones
TLHOG > well the drones were always a sacrifes

It began with a fight over drones.

Manolo Acosta > Are they attacking you?
Arion Yael > Yeah
Manolo Acosta > run?
Arion Yael > I’m scrammed

Before long, things escalated.

Eloum Heir > My orca 🙁
TLHOG > did you lose it?
Eloum Heir > Not yet
BitComet > how much shiled u got left?
Eloum Heir > 28%
Eloum Heir > Help is coming
Aunmia Serine > Anyone arrived yet?
Aunmia Serine > well that was worth a try lol

However, help was on the way?

Rimmer of Smeg > ive got 3 on way but 6 jumps out
Rimmer of Smeg > if we free you get the hell docked
Rimmer of Smeg > and dont fly it for 30 days
Indigo Lockhaven > well concord got me

This is when things started to go wrong.

Terribly wrong.

Eloum Heir > My orca is almost dead
kaos hayabusa > damn man
Rimmer of Smeg > Eloum Heir allign to dock so you get out
Eloum Heir > I’m already alligned 🙂
kaos hayabusa > how much time estimated to die?
Rimmer of Smeg > someone finish him off!

Bro, wtf?