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That’s gross.

Nobody likes a nasty little miner.

That’s right.

Oh wow, I totally forgot.

Well, I guess he paid.

Duina Prime > and you guarantee safety in Halaima?
Aiko Danuja > yes sir
Duina Prime > It was enough to give a warning the first time 😛 🙂 and here I am naked and cheerful xD

I guess he enjoyed himself.

Duina Prime > I’ve been playing on and off since 2010, but I never had any idea I always barely bounced back from the bottom xD
Duina Prime > When mining, I sometimes support myself with one or two alpha alts, which, for example, transport raw materials.

Is that a EULA violation?

That’s right!

That’s right!!

ArchyZavr Sells A Mining Permit

We’ve met Archy before.

Archy was the guy who funded Aikotown.

After swiping his credit card, Archy got bored.

He recycled his Jita trade alt, into a ganking alt.

PvP, not wealth accumulation, is the real game.

Isk can buy ships, but it can’t buy fun!

That’s right.

Abduleljudiopalestino tried to scam Archy.

We gave Abdul some legal advice.

However, he immediately tried another poverty scam.

Sometimes, you have to start small.

…then you can get the rest.

Another satisfied customer.

I was ready to make delivery.

He never did complete his delivery payments.

It was a real learning experience.

I wish him all the best in EvE Online.


Abduleljudiopalestino > scammers veteran im fucking noob

Abdul is not a new player, he’s just a dumb vet.

Newbro Archy outplayed a guy with years of experience.

Nice job Archy.