The Battle of Torrinos

When I’m not blogging, I sometimes undock.

I recently discovered a vast empire.

In distant Torrinos, the miners are always AFK.

However, they remember my previous visits.

I often cower in a nearby station.

So they sent their best man, HogTits, to camp me down.

He taunted me.

He brought an entire hit squad.

I was in serious trouble.

The miners knew who I was, and they weren’t scared.

I was trapped, and couldn’t escape.

The miners were mocking me.

They even summoned the antiganking main of antiganking loser Everess 88.

That’s the retard goofus who thinks the actual IRL year is 1984. Like wtf.

This was getting serious.

It all happened so fast.

Fortunately, Krig Povelli taught me a magic trick.

Australian Jesus came to my rescue, straight out of Halaima.

Everybody was amazed.

They never anticipated my counterattack.

It was clear who won the battle of Torrinos.

The wouldbe antigankers began to reconsider their choices.

Everess 88’s antiganking main was losing their respect.

The battle was over, and birds began to chirp.

Everybody reflected on the experience.

One thing was crystal clear.

I have a Highsec PvP alt.

Murder for Hire

I run a PvP alliance.

Highsec is my SAFE space.

Recently, toxicninja had a Safety incident.

Subsequently, he investigated the origin of his demise.

As toxic suspected, this was a targeted assassination.

Could he guess who ordered the hit?

That’s right! It was his old nemesis, HogTits.

For nearly a full day, HogTits bullied and griefed his way through Torrinos.

Jinx Beirutbomb > Can I inquire as to the nature of your dispute?
toxicninja > honsetly i was just minning
toxicninja > he said target aquired and left the astroid feild

However, ninja needed more evidence.

Would another ganker confirm Jinx’s testimony?

She sung like a bird, throwing HogTits under the bus.

ninja had been caught by a professional bounty hunter.

Novus Plebbo wannabes copy me, because I’m the best.

In a game like EvE Online, social skills matter.

I killed toxicninja, and he liked it.

I run a “very pro team”.

In fact, we are going to kill them all.

They can thank us later.

Griefer Mode, Part 2

Previously... double EHP miners were surprised by double DPS gankers.

Before long, double dead miners became double salty.

Raven x1 had an offer for Princess Aiko.

He is gonna murder rape her family, in real life!

He went on for hours, while Aiko listened to other miners.

From time to time, Aiko tried to change the subject.

For Aiko, this was just a normal EvE Online conversation.

She tried to help the miner calm down.

However, he was obsessing.

She wondered if he was serious?

He went on and on.

She simply could not change the subject.

So she returned to her fanmail.

Meanwhile, Raven was working through his feelings.

He thought about Aiko’s pretty face.

The thought drove him crazy.

He couldn’t stop thinking about her…

…and then he remembered her kid.

Raven is a real family man.

However, Aiko was distracted, reading her mail.

How could he get her attention?

He thought about it for a long time.

Maybe he could find her on Facebook?

Suddenly, he had a burst of inspiration.

Why not just ask her out?

Maybe she’d like that?

He hopes to hear from her soon.

However, there’s a lot of other suitors!

Griefer Mode

Against double EHP miners, I must engage griefer mode.

This is war, total war.

Double EHP miners don’t need to fit their ships. CCP does it for them.

CCP loves their innocent newbro Highsec miners.

Nevermind, I guess I’m the new player.

Raven was furious that his double EHP exhumer malfunctioned.

He was definitely not calm.

Yes, this is sexual harassment in EvE Online.

Antigankers are trashy people, defending trashy people.

‘Niceguy’ whiteknight HateLesS protected my abuser.

This is literally what antigankers support.

Alleil decided to tell her mother.

To be continued…