Simo’s Third Mining Permit

Listening to: Gonna Get Back

Simo’s First and Second Mining Permits

I sell a lot of permits.

I’m an irl space celebrity.

Simo bought permits for Ikao and Piekura.

For some reason, he decided to mine in Kamio?

Something went terribly wrong!

His space lawyer explained miner rights.

So simo appealed his conviction.

This is the art of a deal.

I even gave free Sirseshin access.

Simo also upgraded from Third to First Class.

It’s all in the CODE.

“No miner can be lawfully ganked unless they are given a full advance warning, with a 60 second truce allowing them to dock up safely. Second Class citizens receive 120 seconds, and First Class citizens enjoy 300 seconds.”

That’s fair, right?

Everything makes perfect sense.

Later, simo discovered a multibot.

Maybe he will start ganking?

That’s right.


<Hrothy’s Salty Gankbear Tears>

You know I don’t play right

I’m gonna get back when I feel like

I’ll put up a good fight

Uh huh, uh huh


Cheerzah bravs!

Code Ready Gelhan, Part 55

Code Ready Gelhan, Part 1

It’s a love story from beyond time.

This Valentine’s we remember what really matters.

I take personal responsibility for all of that.

Any idiot can create an alliance in EvE Online.

Dead alliances generally have bad leadership.

You can’t silence an obvious truth.

Gai understood the SAFETY CODE. governs Highsec mining.

However, Assistance Group is an entirely different alliance.

Same people (not me), but with different alts.

We They offer Highsec mining assistance, with paid training.

There was no need to wait.

That’s right.

Wow, FREE PvE fits!

To be continued…

Code Ready Gelhan, Part 54

Code Ready Gelhan, Part 1

The gmae was ruined.

Mission Ready Mining had a recruiting problem.

Fly Fearless alliance was infested with tunnel snakes.

Executor Gai Heiyuu was at fault.

The buck stops at the top.

Suddenly, EvEmail…

“Without any warning whatsoever, an unsolicited EVE-mail arrived in the inbox of every single member of Mission Ready Mining. This was no ordinary EVE-mail. It was a corpmail. But this communication was special for another reason; it happened to contain a link to a minerbumping post about Mission Ready Mining. Curiously, it also includes a quote attributed to Tora Bushido, as well as references to the mysterious Assistance Group.

A shiver ran down the thing that MRMNG CEO Gai Heiyuu had been passing off as a spine. He had been fearing this day might come since the spring of 2017, when he ordered the emergency evacuation of Gelhan. *They* were back.”

Editor’s Note: Yes, I am quoting an illustrated narrative, published privately in a secret Discord.

Historian’s Note: This incident explains why members of a corporation are no longer allowed to mail everybody else in the corporation.

MRMNG went into full spai lockdown.

Friends turned on one another.

To be continued…

Bon Voyage \o

My killboard is pretty great.

I know it drives some people mental.

Many have fallen along the way.

I again ascended on Christmas EvE, a sign of things to come.

Gankbears really just don’t get it.

Mere killmails are for beginners and rookies.

Even miners know there’s more to my game.

James called it bumping.

Carebears, whether gankers or miners, should take note.

I will bump you out of the circle (again).

Enjoy the ride.

Some fall further than others.

How low can you go?

I like to find out!

Did you want to PvP me?

Are you winning?

How’d that work out for you?

Another happy ending!



Double xD

Triple xD

That’s right.






Aiko Danuja > ok me and CASTOLE are gonna play Starcraft II now
You Blew Up > OK
Zarah Shrimp > starcrfat 2 hm? eve not good enough??

I do as I please.

If you really think about it…

EvE Online is not very toxic.

Blizzard, unlike CCP, has abandoned moderation entirely.

Free speech reigns in General Chat!

The truth is out there…

At least the game is fun.

That’s right.

That’s right!

Re: FW: About Krig Povelli

Even the little guys enjoy EvE Online.

The alliance description is self-explanatory.

However, God hates miners.

In fact, nobody likes miners.

It all started in Botane.

Krig Povelli > Wow! That is one really fast procurer!

Graeth was AFK and didn’t mine.

He advised other miners to take a nap.

LadyBug had enough.

Graeth Raltharn > its just an empty life

She began talking about Krig’s penis.

Later, LadyBug regretted what she said.

Bro, I get a lot of EvEmail (no, I can’t read it all).

LadyBug told the story several times.

PLOT TWIST: Krig Povelli strikes again!

Uh oh!

We don’t allow penis jokes in Highsec.

Fortunately, I was there to help.

Another successful intervention.

Krig even got a killmail!

Where’d the Orca go?

Word started to spread in local.

Anoher happy ending.

I hope LadyBug does better next time.

LadyBug had more to say.

What a chatty Cathy.

Oh my God…

Occasionally, I respond.

I’m the voice of reason.

LadyBug learned a real life lesson.

She just had a few more things to say.

The conversation became colorful.

At some point, LadyBug began writing herself.

I got all the facts.

I’ve completed my investigation.

Krig Povelli has a license to bump.

To be honest, we both hate miners.

Reddit Crybabies

Hello again.

Oh boy…

Let’s tune in!

Another 2008 newbro, struggling in Highsec.

He also likes to turn his brain off.

Sure sounds AFK to me!


We actually don’t care about your wants (or needs).

Welcome to EvE Online…

Well, you can pay me to stop?

That would be ideal.

I like to read the comments.

I recommend Candy Crush.

EvE requires a modicum of attention.

No kidding?

Reddit is full of lukewarm dogwater.

Nullsec carebears recruit Highsec carebears.

Highsec is no place for AFK miners.

Imagine mining in a 1.0…

This is a popular idea.

Miners couldn’t even pass a CAPTCHA test.

Will the lazy crabs ever get revenge?


Double doubt.

Gankers are no better than pod killers.

On the other hand, miners are losers.

That’s right.

That’s right!