
Listening to: Shadow Hunter

Oh hi, ya, I live here.

Sort of like a place you might expect me.

This is what GPT says we do.

#1 alltime destroyer/battlecruiser/bomber ALLTIME CHAMPIONS

PewPEWpew – heavy flak from barski

Now that’s REAL PvP.

I’ll add him to the list.

2+8+3=1 Dead Orca

It’s never too late to repent.

They wonder why we gank them…


In thirteen plus one day…


4.91 = 4 + 9 + 1 = 13 + 1

4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 13 + 1

We caught a war criminal, in EvE Online.

Highsec Miner Grab Bag #245

Listening to: Zoot Suit Riot

Highsec Miner Grab Bag #244

Miners love to write.


What a guy.


I hope they feel better soon.

Miners are always poor…

…and more than a little dim.


At least they are happy.

I know how to have fun.

You love it, daddy-o.

That’s right!

Tell me more?

Fat Cat Came to Play
Now You Can’t Run Fast Enough
You Best Stay Away
When the Pushers Come to Shove

Throw back a bottle of beer
I have coal black hair

Guide to Absolute Victory

Guest Article

Hey, everybody, I’m Gallente Holostar, lead theorycraft design team lead for the Imperium.

Aiko made a map.

There are nine systems of interest: Torrinos, Ibura, Yoma, Oipo, Piak, Elonaya, Onnamon, Uuhulanen, and Uchomida. The miners congregate here and about. We have put a stop to all that, effective immediately. Come join us, as we continue our investigation.

*Facts and Evidence*

The miners use their Highsec wealth to rent in nullsec.

We hate Romania, so we started bumping.

Question: If Nagamac mines in Highsec, to pay rent in nullsec, what happens if he can’t mine in Highsec?

Just think about it.

Table of Contents: November 2020

Table of Contents: October 2020

Table of Contents: September 2020

Table of Contents: August 2020

Table of Contents: July 2020