Previously on James315.Space… His grand excellency, aiva naali, aka 140, aka Kingpin, aka the Caravaneer, has been skyrocketing to super stardom. It’s always a total mindtrip, when you officially become leader of the most powerful alliance in the galaxy. I can only imagine how he must feel, to find himself standing astride the shoulders of giants. Indeed, aiva’s name is already engraved in the Hall of Heroes, alongside his esteemed peers: James 315, Leia Jadesol, Zaenis Desef, Kanye North, and the Mittani. Unfortunately, when his laptop suddenly exploded, everything came to a screeching halt.
Fortunately, via his cellphone, Agent Anvil, aka the nullsec nomad, was still able to access the official Goonswarm High Command discord.
Bzz. Bzz. Bzz. Go Goons!
It is the hub of the hive.
Everybody wanted to play EVE, but Wu Flu was spreading dark gloomy news across the galaxy, and Princess Aiko urged quantum to solve reality.
The Gewnfuehrer just needed three years, and some spare parts, to save New York. Governor Cuomo sends his eternal gratitude.
It was a true team effort, and Goonswarm’s leading industrial experts were summoned, to assemble all the required modules.
Princess Aiko urged quantum to do whatever it might take to save the world.
Just then, Tweeps interrupted with an important announcement.
As always, Princess Aiko kept James 315 updated on every nuance.
The new Slack channel was automated, perfect for quarantined leadership.
Although James intended to pass away, he wanted to ensure his ‘lil bullet was always guided with words of wisdom from above.
To ensure that quantum’s biological needs were fully met, James asked Aiko to join Quantum in the quarantine chamber.
Together, they would wait out the pandemic, just the two of them.
Aiva misspelled his own name, presumably to maintain operational security.
To be continued…