Egbu nke Izu

Kills of the Week Before

Here are some bea, annihilated between September 13 @ 00:00 EVEtime and September 19 @ 23:59 EVEtime. Everyone enjoyed whoring on free killmails during CCP’s Yulai event, which took place in excruciating slow motion, but real PvB involves shooting bots before CCP finally gets around to doing something.


Seam Daigon was hoping to make it to next week, but got caught by Votre Dieu, shortly before intergalactic midnight. No matter what timezone Seam is currintly AFK in, this was an obvious Kill of the Week. Yikes! 

Seam took his case to Miner’s Court…

…but the cargo manifest was proof of intent to distribute.


Lokoboto looks like a goofus, because he is. I was able to uninstall his gas huffing Megathron with a little help from Zoe Nyx, Shadow Cyrilus, MrDiao, Yes Mr Cheng, Independence Day, Encrypted Transmission, and Gallente Ambrye.


Tanarisa Star wanderer actually dies next week, but she’s already tackled and going down very slowly. Squidhunting Manwhore did the math, and Tanarisa’s death is imminent, with termination in exactly 24 minutes. For some reason, she agreed to duel a Catalyst, and all she has to defend herself are five Harvester drones. Good fight!


Fez Hideo reinforced her bulkheads, blinged her shields, and prepared for elite PvP in an 0.7. Her pirate ship was promptly vaporized by Ulianov and mat Otsito.


St0n3 lost his Kronos weeks ago, and it’s now a Kill of the Week, because I say so. While looking through old logs, I suddenly remembered this orbiter who tried to defend his Retrievers with a Marauder. When asked why, he explained that it was all a ploy to get my attention. Indeed, I showed up with my girlfriends: Alleil Pollard, Keraina Talie-Kuo, AgBee 001, Shadow Pearl, and Zopiclone.


Sirtech Silicore lost his spaceship way back in 2017, and it finally became a Kill of the Week in 2020, after Sirtech’s alt repeatedly returned to the Why Was I Ganked? channel. Tax Collector HongMei probably doesn’t even remember this incident, but Sirtech certainly does, and he has successfully campaigned for recognition of his loss. Congratulations on your impressive second place finish! 

I asked Felicia/Sirtech if she had anything she wanted to tell James 315.

Mission complete.


rhe natu was relaxing while mining in her command ship, when suddenly she was ejected into the harsh vacuum of outer space. Before she could click a button, her pod was vaporized by Buttercup Potemkin (who is definitely not in a terrorist cult). Replacing your brain with bot chips may seem like a good idea, but it’s illegal.


How to Sell a Mining Permit, Part 9

How to Sell a Mining Permit, Part 3

Previously on James315.Space… Odbayar gave Princess Aiko everything he had, and then shot a mining pod. It’s hard to say what Odbayar was thinking, but apparently someone instilled a desire for PvP. Carebears claim we grief newbros, but really we just want them to stop mining, and start killing miners. Is that so wrong?

It’s never seemed possible that a miner could ever become a ganker, but bless my heart, I always encourage them to give it a try. If Overmind Niminen is any indicator, I suspect Odbayar will soon revert to mining with a killright. However, I can at least give him the opportunity to try something else.

Perhaps someday, CCP might ban me for taking everything a miner has, but maybe they will understanding that this game isn’t about isk. Some of us believe in law and order. We genuinely want to rescue bears from their own greedy ambition. As the official Saviourette of the New Order, I wield incredible power, and intend to use this for the betterment of our civilization. We must insist on total CODE. compliance!

That’s right.

Odbayar was seeing another side of EVE, and he liked it.

I am here to help.

One bot did not appreciate Odbayar’s transformation.

It experienced the full mercy of Odbayar.

This appears to have been a traumatic experience.

Renim Xam may very well be an alt of kage1982.

Renim/kage was convinced that an Orca in his fleet was to blame for the gank, but Vixing Stroy was just using Renim as a drone.

Regardless, everybody loves my channel, Why Was I Ganked?

It’s just the place to be!

Odbayar is certainly happy to be home.

Oh no!!! Odbayar, where are you going? What are you doing?????

Once you go CODE; there is no other road.

To be continued…

I am PermaBanned

Princess Aiko, much like James 315, is a permabanned hero of the CODE. In her moment of immortal Ascendance, she went out with a bang, dunking on a hapless Venture in Raussinen. As the official Grover Cleveland of the New Order, her reign as Queen Regent has been brief, yet she flares brilliantly like a butterfly in heat.

If you read the dodgy memoirs of grumpy old bureaucrats, Princess Aiko was always a spoiled brat, who merely slept her way to the top. However, those who undocked during the Great War of Extirpation, will often describe her as a brilliant strategess. They also recall blueberry muffins, with soothing cups of chamomile tea.

Aiko’s path to immortality began on a windy Wednesday in 2017, when Sirtech Silicore was arrested by the Gate Tax Collection Agency.

Sirtech slumbered for more than three years, until he finally decided to once again become a new returning player, stealing some ore from Princess Aiko.

Like two slinky cats, Aiko and Kalomira hissed at each other.

Only a GrandMaster could resolve their bitter dispute over mining rights.

Alas, Aiko blasted the wrong Venture.

Kalomira had powerful alts in Highsec.

Felicia Dey is a pillar of the mining community.

When asked for a lossmail, she linked an old MinerBumping post.

It was definitely the same bot…

Innostunut Sonni > miner, please calm down
Magalaus Shardani > im assuming Felicia Dey is british and refering to cigarettes
Zaenis Desef > maybe
Felicia Dey > No you are a bunch of cum guzzling faggots
Zaenis Desef > ALL HAIL Aiko Danuja!
Zopiclone > Thats right
Felicia Dey > Id kick er in cunt\

…with the exact same sentiments.

It really doesn’t like the CODE.

Princess Aiko tried to be diplomatic.

However, Felicia knows an experienced space lawyer.

Another alt’s alt was ready to take down our Princess.

This was no joke.


Poor Aiko is going to prison, in real-life.


CCP lawyers would never defend our Saviourette.

Aiko tried desperately to plead her case.

Unfortunately, she could not hide her true nature.

At 11:00, the permaban hit Aiko like a freight train.

All we have now are fond memories.

Perhaps, like Grover Cleveland, Our Lady of Agil will return again…

The Best Revenge, Part 84

The Best Revenge, Part 1

Listening to: Smooth Jazz for Grownups

Previously on James315.Space… aiva naali, aka His Excellency Supremo the High Lord Grand Generalissimo, has long been the strategic mastermind behind Pandemic Horde’s crushing defeat. As the archmaester of Goonswarm, our ‘lil bullet is determined to achieve maximum efficiency within the Grand Armadee.

Agent Anvil gives the orders, and Princess Aiko executes his will.

A mere woman, the Princess is a loyal servant, but sometimes she interprets the orders a little too literally. She is still learning how to do her job.

The Mittani himself, as you may recall, had to personally intervene in order to ensure she was properly transmitting orders. When Mittens asked why lanceing fleet was moving so slowly, her answer left a lot to be desired.

The entire offensive ground to a leisurely halt.

Fortunately, there was some good news.

Just then, disaster struck!

The imperial suppercomputer had seen better days.

Via his cellphone, quantum informed High Command that he would need a little time, before he could return to the battlespace.

Meanwhile, there were other pressing issues.

Princess Cupcake urged quantum to save humanity.

Was this the end of quantum’s best revenge??? Would Pandemic Horde survive to fight again? Was the end of the world nigh at hand?????

To be continued…

BONUS: CCP Rise has drawn a CODE. police skin for the Atron!