Duina Prime > and you guarantee safety in Halaima? Aiko Danuja > yes sir Duina Prime > It was enough to give a warning the first time 😛 🙂 and here I am naked and cheerful xD
I guess he enjoyed himself.
Duina Prime > I’ve been playing on and off since 2010, but I never had any idea I always barely bounced back from the bottom xD Duina Prime > When mining, I sometimes support myself with one or two alpha alts, which, for example, transport raw materials.
Fly Fearless alliance was infested with tunnel snakes.
Executor Gai Heiyuu was at fault.
The buck stops at the top.
Suddenly, EvEmail…
“Without any warning whatsoever, an unsolicited EVE-mail arrived in the inbox of every single member of Mission Ready Mining. This was no ordinary EVE-mail. It was a corpmail. But this communication was special for another reason; it happened to contain a link to a minerbumping post about Mission Ready Mining. Curiously, it also includes a quote attributed to Tora Bushido, as well as references to the mysterious Assistance Group.
A shiver ran down the thing that MRMNG CEO Gai Heiyuu had been passing off as a spine. He had been fearing this day might come since the spring of 2017, when he ordered the emergency evacuation of Gelhan. *They* were back.”
Editor’s Note: Yes, I am quoting an illustrated narrative, published privately in a secret Discord.
Historian’s Note: This incident explains why members of a corporation are no longer allowed to mail everybody else in the corporation.
He’s going to make a documentary about us Erotica 1.
Nira Mangeiri > Justin here Justin There Justin everywhere \o/ Kyle Tarholder > Maybe he talks about Justin Kusion Nira Mangeiri > he talks gibberish mostly Mary Gankins > a few months ago he said he was making a documentary
I kinda wanna see it.
Breaking Stones > for a self proclaimed genius you seem to be bc some of your shit tactics are stupid even yet some people dont seem them for what they are or even who you are Australian Jesus > but where’s the data? Breaking Stones > The data will be in the video Breaking Stones > and people will alerted Australian Jesus > are you going to narrate the video? Breaking Stones > Ai video creator so AI will narate James Fuchs > one video can’t stop us all!! Breaking Stones > dont need to stop you all just the ONE Australian Jesus > destroy the OMEGA PRIME Breaking Stones > the one behind the many Avro Astral > one ring to rule them?
There’s so much to discuss.
Australian Jesus > What was he banned for? Breaking Stones > You know why you were banned Avro Astral > it kinda seems like your just making things up Breaking Stones > I know revealing 100 of your alts will just cause a big rotatiion put thos on ice bring the next hundred up but the ones that will sting are the deep moles that get exsposed Aiko Danuja > so you only know a hundred of them lol Breaking Stones > when you think on it 3 alts per acount even at 100 accounts thats 300 alts
He’s gonna release a list of my random alts.
Breaking Stones > I have enjoyed the research Breaking Stones > they will just be in a spread sheet Breaking Stones > color coded Breaking Stones > Aiko Danuja Your the main Australian Jesus > it’s kinda sad to realize that someone might just be this delusional and lost in a video game Avro Astral > i think he just needs a hug James Fuchs > Jesus can help you.
I wish him all the best.
Breaking Stones > You know what I did have to think about was wgat if this did have a real effect on you? Like tbh this is all you have what if by my action I took that from you James Fuchs > are you a bit obsessed with Aiko, by chance? Breaking Stones > No not really after I thought about I saud IDGAF bc you didnt think about how that guy felt that you stole safety from I hope you go into deep emotional tail spin and unistall eve Mary Gankins > who was the original owner of Safety?
“I hope you go into deep emotional tail spin and unistall eve…”
There’s so much fascinating history.
James Fuchs > the original owner of safety was me James Fuchs > i fucked up James Fuchs > we played a game of double isk and I lost Breaking Stones > now we are getting to the root of it Breaking Stones > Keep going we may get to the bonus room
James always enjoyed a good bonus.
Aiko Danuja > 1 billion isk gets you 2 billion isk! right here, Jita style isk doubling -1 billion doubles straight away, or invest 5 billion for a TRIPLE PLAY Breaking Stones > just follow the rules right? Darkened Angel VI > they have no rules Breaking Stones > the rules they make up James Fuchs > Breaking Stones I think you’re just a noob
PLOT TWIST: I’m not banned?
Breaking Stones > I think CCP knows also Breaking Stones > I belive a deal was made Jinx Beirut > so if Aiko was banned Jinx Beirut > but made a deal with CCP Jinx Beirut > then Aiko is unbanned, right? Breaking Stones > 7days a week 18 hours a day Breaking Stones > How many pc do you need to run? Breaking Stones > im gonna say 4 desk tops one laptop
At least he stays civil.
Breaking Stones > know its coming so no big suprise cause you to self delete or nothing. You may be a POS but you are still a human being even though your a gay may pretending to be a female in game Australian Jesus > Breaking Stones are you gay? Breaking Stones > No tried it once James Fuchs > you tried it? Breaking Stones > Yea its not gay unless you push back
I definitely push back.
Aiko Danuja > i kissed a girl and i liked it Breaking Stones > if as a male once married to a female and had kids once you get divorced are you concidered gay or bi? Breaking Stones > see I could become gay I can only handel rejection from half the population if I became bi then both genders can reject you. Can you imagine being a chetto eating man and get rejected by a catfishing 48 year old dude? Aiko Danuja > ok it’s all true – my name is Larry, i’m from Omaha – i drive a rig and have a lot of downtime at truckstops in Oklahoma and Kansas Breaking Stones > ahh so you do know how to meet gay men
It’s kinda fun.
Breaking Stones > Jinx Beirut have you ever tried being gay? Jinx Beirut > no im Catholic Breaking Stones > Then you ar ea potential HOMO sexual Jinx Beirut > that is why i go to confession Breaking Stones > if you never tried then then you just may be one of the ones that like it Whadda Badasaz > he is arguing that you have to have gay sex in order to see how gay you are Breaking Stones > What you dont realise is I have did a complete work up on your foot print and online profile Hydrasy Xyanomi > WTF IS GOING ON HERE!!?!? Breaking Stones > Eat shit
Well, isn’t that special.
Erotica hired me, an irl femail, to roleplay as a gay man.