Garbage Down

Hey there.

We ganked a garbage truck.

Garbage can tycoon.

Billions of catalysts died…

Miners be crazy in EvE Online.


This is the game we play…

Even garbage haulers are miners!

Be ye pirate, or be ye miner?

At least he’s not mad.

Talking about real dollars…

Oh my.

Miners deserve their fate.

I hope they calm down.

No reason to be dramatic.


Nobody likes a miner.

For real.


It’s crazy, right?

That’s right.


Listening to: Shadow Hunter

Oh hi, ya, I live here.

Sort of like a place you might expect me.

This is what GPT says we do.

#1 alltime destroyer/battlecruiser/bomber ALLTIME CHAMPIONS

PewPEWpew – heavy flak from barski

Now that’s REAL PvP.

I’ll add him to the list.

2+8+3=1 Dead Orca

It’s never too late to repent.

They wonder why we gank them…


In thirteen plus one day…


4.91 = 4 + 9 + 1 = 13 + 1

4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 13 + 1

We caught a war criminal, in EvE Online.

Absolute Matrix

Governor Lee tried to annex Lonetrek (again).

Not on my watch!

The absolute plebs are on my list.

That’s right.

They are bad at mining, ganking, and antiganking.

In EvE Online, miners be crazy.

Get blocked!

Like seriously.

Welcome to the Absolute Matrix.

It’s full of trash.

They are never calm.

In EvE Online, we pick our own fights.

Who will Absolute Order send against me?

I sure hope they figure it out.


Every miner must obey the law.

That’s right.

End of an Era, Part 15

End of an Era, Part 1

Was everything over forever?

One week, mom survived…

The Russians paid 35 billion, for one week of Highsec PvE.

The next spawn was an island in Solitude.

Suddenly, lazy carebears didn’t want to PvE.

They blamed us, and CCP.

The bears didn’t even try.

They wished Hawk would rescue them.

They wanted mom to die.

Highsec miners just want free easy isk.

Island isk wasn’t good enough.

To be continued…

Antiganking Saltopia


People notice me.

Hey there!


Antiganking miners say whatever they want.

Oh, I love it, thanks for asking.

Only gankers have to follow the EULA.

It’s ok, you can cry all day in EvE Online.

It’s not griefing, when you are salty.

It’s not harassment, if you are a whinebaby.

That’s right.

Cool story bro.

Nobody likes an antiganking miner.


Avalanche Down (2x)

Previously, the Avalanche was overpowered

However, today we made history.

So yah, I logged into EvE Online…

Antigankers were already waiting.

They are kinda dumb.

Today, we are fishing in Uedama.

Hey there.

Great teamwork.

Op success.

Another fake gank.

That’s right.

Later that day…




The Brisc Rubal Home for Hot Unwed Mothers


Highsec Miner Grab Bag #245

Listening to: Zoot Suit Riot

Highsec Miner Grab Bag #244

Miners love to write.


What a guy.


I hope they feel better soon.

Miners are always poor…

…and more than a little dim.


At least they are happy.

I know how to have fun.

You love it, daddy-o.

That’s right!

Tell me more?

Fat Cat Came to Play
Now You Can’t Run Fast Enough
You Best Stay Away
When the Pushers Come to Shove

Throw back a bottle of beer
I have coal black hair