Ganker of the Year

I’m pleased to announce our annual Ganker of the Year contest has ended. This year’s Ganker of the Year is me, cool! The runner up is whomsoever killed the most Ventures during the contest. Congratulations to Aveve Olerie, who killed eighty, and has therefore been proclaimed the second fourth best Ganker of the Year!

Aveve won 4 billion isk! WoW!

UPDATE: As per the following, I have been correctly awarded the top three placings, which moves Aveve into fourth.

Here is a handy chart:

1st Place: Aiko
2nd Place: Aiko
3rd Place: Aiko
Other Places: IDC w/e

In the Far Future

Each day of reality is a full year in EvE Online. Obviously, battleships cannot repair catastrophic damage in the blink of an eye, nor can a spaceship accelerate instantaneously to velocities exceeding several thousand times the speed of light. That’s nonsense.

We experience EvE through a relativistic blur. One minute lasts six hours. Consequently, capsuleers are ancient space vampires, hundreds and even thousands of years old.

James 315 died in Poinen, on May 17, 2012. That was three thousand eight hundred and thirty-five years ago.

It’s been nearly a millenia, since we acknowledged this, with a modest funeral. Roleplayers continue to praise an absent messiah, but people without autism move on.

Meanwhile, CCP has waged a Great Crusade against non-profit ganking. Apparently, if you steal billions from a new player, that’s ok. However, if you gank a half penny Venture, then you are a born again griefer. With this in mind, for the past few years, I have been meditating in lowsec. What is the future of ganking, after CCP changes the rules?

Antigankers are so incompetent, that CCP decided to nerf bumping, increase hitpoints, remove tether, and prevent docking. However, if CCP truly doesn’t support PvP gameplay, then why bother? I’ve got better things to do, than fight carebear developers. If they really want to convert EvE into a boring AFK grind simulator, well ok!

Ever since Falcon left CCP, emergent gameplay has been nerfed and restricted. The PvP community has declined, and content has evaporated. James 315 was inspired by Falcon, but today we live in a different reality. It’s no longer the same game.

I was thinking about this last year (yesterday), when I arrived in Gamis. It was here, two thousand years ago, where Kalorned established his home. A lot of people claim James 315 loved them. However, who did James 315 actually write about?

This is for you, Kalooronded.

I made a profit, but that was never my intent.

How to Scam CCP

Orcas have a question…

When will Hateless release his next EvE video?

Hawk vowed to kill Orcas, until Hateless makes a video.

Why is an EvE Partner rewarded for doing nothing?

What is he paid for?

Is it griefing, when you are paid to play?

I’ve heard the allegations, and let me be clear. I would never encourage anyone to visit that discord. His content is boring, like watching a grown man play Starcraft PvE by himself.

Nor would I ever ask anyone to take screenshots. However, since people (not associated with me) are taking screenshots, I might as well discuss what is already in the public domain.

Discussion is not illegal.

The Orcas believe Hateless got them killed.

Some Orcas suspect Hateless is ganking them.

Many Orcas feel Hateless is mocking their distress.

They know he is at fault.

They know Hateless is condescending.

They know Hateless is dishonest.

Fortunately, Hateless has a solution.

This EvE Partner wants to break the rules.

Hateless encourages people to violate the Terms of Service.

So Lexii decided to scam CCP.

This is a 2008 character , with 5 accounts.

They literally brag about AFK mining.

They’ve been ganked, and they have ganked (repeatedly).

This person does not deserve reimbursement.

Today I suffered an irrecoverable loss due to ganker crews in high sec. I do not feel I can continue to enjoy this game at this point. If my ship and cargo were reimbursed, Ill consider staying, but I do not feel like having to grind…

Lexii exploited the reimbursement program.

Will CCP reimburse your loss?