Krig’s Korner, Episode 10

Krig’s Korner, Episode 9

Princess Aiko is the best.

She always blog about ME))))

haha I’m not an NPC l’mao

283 + a blueprint?

…and an Orca… plus a Hulk?

That’s not what I asked for!

Haha, keep blogging space secretary.

Keep going, u dumb b.

There’s more…

I tried Aiko… and she blogged about it.

She loves blogging, especially with me.

Haha, I hope that miner writes her daily.

Aiko wasn’t a lezzi last night))))

I bet she wants to blog me again.

That girl is annoyed, paranoid, and full of void.

Puppers Gets a Gila

Prince Puppers wanted a Gila.

He wasn’t joking.

Puppers wanted to be a Gila main.

Oh boy, a discount Gila!

He sold everything he had…

…to buy a Moa.

Oh, it’s a free Moa…

With premium insurance!

So Puppers went to fetch his new Gila.


Puppers tried to get around the grief blockade.

So he employed null security comms.

This went as well as one might expect.

Puppers even tried a wormhole!

His friends were happy to help.

Meanwhile, Sargon was at the foot dentist.

When Sargon returned, he noticed the problem.

The Goons were using an isk tracker.

So Sargon cleaned Puppers out.

Eventually, Puppers contacted me.

He seemed confused.

The next day, everyone wondered about Puppers.

Apparently, his new home was in Thera?

Who told him to go there?

Eventually, Puppers just bought a Gila.

Another happy ending!


Neurotica 1, Part 7

Listening to: Dark Techno 2018

Neurotica 1, Part 1

Previously, Erotica 1 was permabanned.

Afterward, he developed a cunning plan.

He decided to get rich, quick.

PLOT SUMMARY: Our anti-hero, Erotica 1, permabanned from EvE Online, wipes the sweat from his brow. “Eureka!”, he exclaims whilst committing securities fraud, selling fake cryptocurrency NFTs in order to purchase CCP and unban himself. This would prove to the courts, that Erotica 1 is a successful businessman. Along the way, he planned to make a trillion isk, through a legitimate galactic bank.

As an initial first step, he exploited his own IRL infant daughter, and tried to recruit a few EvE players.

His ‘friends’ were concerned.

Surprisingly, the scam worked.

Erotica (aka Justin) sold an NFT buy-in to his first mark, rounding $5000 up to $30000, with the expectation of future profits.

This is a story of sex, crypto, federal law, and crazy.

As a woman, I often feel uppity.

Am I a space Karen…

…or a reasonably concerned citizen?

I decided not to commit securities fraud.

No thank you!

Buckle in, it’s gonna be a WILD RIDE.

If subpoenaed, I will testify in court.

To be continued…

Highsec Recruiting

Recently, Goose considered a return to Highsec.

There’s a lot of geese!

Recruiting channels buzzed with the good news.

Banned for life, GM Goose is back!

So I agreed to an interview.

Oh, there’s that deadbeat Luci Gotti.

He’s worthless.

Ok, but what about Goose?

They accused him of multiboxing.

That’s a real thing!

As proof, Dr Tron cited Reddit.


Hucker Carlson investigates…

I spoke truth to the powerless.

However, I was also hungry.

Meanwhile, Dr Tron decided to pick a fight.

We will hear more from Mason, soon!

Meanwhile, Dr Tron became desperate for attention.

Miners sure are silly!

To be continued…

Krig’s Korner, Episode 9

Krig’s Korner, Episode 8

Hello friendos, it’s me Ryan, aka Krig Povelli.

Recently, I found myself in a situation.

Michal asked me to be his life coach.

However, I take a firm stand against bigotry.

Michal dropped a casual M-word.

Reverse reverse discrimination is not ok.

Once upon a time, Michal was a good man.

Now he is an old miser.

He just wanted a free ship.

Otherwise, he threatened to quit.

Tough love is the best love.

I urged Michal to stop whining.

Nobody likes a poor.

Fortunately, it was time for bed.

Good night Michal!

Later, in bed, he composed a brief letter.

Krig’s Korner, Episode 6

Krig’s Korner, Episode 5

Hoo boy, it’s me, Krig Povelli.

When we aren’t filming, I enjoy EvE Online.

Recently, I met Michael Michal Somebody or whoever.

He was desperate for help!

Afterward, Michal gave me a free Golem.

This made me wonder…

Apparently, he also owned another ship.

So I taught him how to make a contract.

Afterward, we fleeted up, and had tea.

This post is sponsored by Taylors Of Harrogate.

In any hostage crisis, Taylors will set you at ease.

To be continued…

Lonely Miner

CABO4EVER > mack, realy?

Hello CABO.

CABO4EVER > you tried to kill my mack..remember?
CABO4EVER > its high sec, mate..

CABO was pleased to collect killrights.

CABO4EVER > 26 days 26 days..23 days…26 days.. have the time, dont worry:) i amwatching you ALL…every step…
Zopiclone > activate my killright
CABO4EVER > i could be your daddy , son…
CABO4EVER > perhaps grandpa…kid..
Zopiclone > Please activate the KR on me
CABO4EVER > you wont be in a CAT, promissed..when you go BOOOOMMM! ill be camping out there when you are in your shiny BS…..KAAABBBOOOOOOMMM!1

Other miners were not impressed.

Rozo Druprime > lol he’s so stupid
Ellena Saisima > miners have no teeth so he wont actually do anything
CABO4EVER > it said i could bring friends…and thats what i am going to do.. but only when it hurts, realy hurts, lmao
Eyghynouel en Thielles > he accused me of being a “ganker” and i’ve only been playing for a week
Rozo Druprime > lol yeah he’s a retard, ignore him.
CABO4EVER > you read about those agents that can locate any player anywhere, right? and surprisely….KAAABBOOOMMM, BANG YOU R DEAD, LMAO!!!!

CABO is a lonely miner.

CABO4EVER > i have no one to talk to..cause of those filthy gankers 🙁 lets buried the axe, come harvest with me
Rozo Druprime > not even his “friends” want him in their corps. he’s looking for a new mining corp cause he got kicked out of all the other ones lol
CABO4EVER > i am a miner, not a fighter…:)