End of an Era, Part 3

Our incursion team is unstoppable.

Sir Balu began investigating.

The culprits are, well, us.


Our team developed its own unique strategy.

Meanwhile, the miners kept crying.

The next battleground was Ohide.

Halbarad “Carebearing” Dovanna was dismayed.

The crabs decided to kill their own incursion.

That’s fine with us.


Miners sure are stupid.

To be continued…

End of an Era, Part 2

Previously, on AikoBompr

Incursions are despawning across Highsec.

After winning an incursion, our team set course to the next site.

Carebears were flummoxed.

Where was the free easy isk?

The miners suddenly had a lot more free time.

So they began crying in Discord.

Some searched in vain for a silver lining.

Others conspired to scam CCP with exaggerated grief.

Screeching could be heard across the galaxy.

Eventually, Hawk received a formal complaint.

This was amusing.

To be continued…

End of an Era

Hey there.

Something is happening to the incursions.

They are ending earlier than normal.

Incursion bears love easy passive income.

However, when the ‘mothership’ is destroyed, the isk faucet turns off.

Crabs don’t like to ‘win’ the event.

Instead, they try to drag it out as long as possible.

Wrathful Hawk decided to do something about this exploit.

He was joined by Jason Kusion, Andres M Afanador, [REDACTED], MOONPIRE, and a few other Highsec friends.

Their incursion community wanted to win.

Op success!

The miners were not pleased.

It was the end of an era.

To be continued…

Rebellion in Kamio

Cultural Center is a miner bumper.

100 million, or risk bump.

Muutaras urged the miners of Kamio to revolt.

Longtime readers will recall Kamio has always been uncivilized.

Muutaras vowed to devour the griefers.

He stood proudly on his soapbox.

Cultural patiently explained the law.

He also taught Muutaras some history.

Does anybody remember JTClone Ares?

Thanks for the free isk, bro!

Muutaras began brainstorming a plot.

Unfortunately, his rebel clout was diminished by his own history.

Muutaras is a graduate of the Princess Aiko School of Mining.

Even rebel leaders need a mining permit.

Muutaras made Cultural feel better.

Krig’s Korner, Episode 13

Listening to: All Day, All Night

Krig’s Korner, Episode 12

I’m kinda not an asshole.

Your alliance is absolute trash.

You should be weary.

We will finish your space adventure.

Holy Aiko guideth me.

Her blasters are made from dead miners.

Her ponytail is dipped in their virgin blood.

Let no miner retain neutrons.

May she blog about me always.

We are the Guardians of Highsec.

Sexy Miner

Sky Ikkala got ganked in high security Amarr.

She is a newbro four year old permapleb.

Sky moonlights as an internet prostitute.

You can check out her private pics for a hidden fee.

I have no idea what’s down that rabbit hole.

However, I did admire a free sample of Japreet’s ample AI bobs.

If I was still a lezzi, I’d upvote this synthetic cutie.

That’s way too small for a blog – right?

Better, but blurry… Maybe try a larger font? Eh?

Veteran miner Gamblich1 had a question for gankers.

However, beautiful Sky didn’t want an answer.

Our Bollybomb diva was angry, lmao!

Sexy Sky was not calm.

Nevermind, sultry Sky was super ‘not’ salty.

She posed her own seductive question.

She was well qualified to conslut on mental conditions.

Meanwhile, she threw Chinese miners under the bus.

Ooo, that bot does look tasty.

Tee Ka Gets PKd

Good fight!

That’s right!


Tee Ka is a morality miner.

He prayed for us all.

Tee Ka is also a space lawyer.

Fortunately, he discovered the CODE.

He didn’t like it.

The rebellion was short lived.

Tee Ka was quickly overwhelmed by cats.

He fought the law, and the law won.

Tee Ka was scared straight.

So naturally, he joined my mining corporation.

Believe it or not, but newbros love gankers.

Unlike antigankers or gankbears, we are fun to hang out with.

Tee Ka was impressed by our elite PvP skills.

However, Tee Ka was also concerned.

Fortunately, everything was fine.

So he turned his attention to the CODE.

He had one simple request.

Aiko Danuja > Tee Ka please help us write a good code
Tee Ka > make it illagal to gank unarmed pilots withour warning, give them 60 sec to leave or pay the price, this would set you guys as the true side of good and justice, them firms of penalty
Aiko Danuja > that’s what we do!
Tee Ka > no that not what you do
Aiko Danuja > if u werent given a 60 sec warning, u should contact internal affairs

In fact, his proposal was already implemented by existing legislation.

There was just one last concern.

He was worried about Princess Aiko.

So he offered some fatherly advice.

Every Princess needs a Daddy.

Fortunately, he forgave on me.