Panty00 lost a Gila.
Some people allege that we make fun of miners.
In fact, we sympathize with them.
Nobody would mock a hapless miner.
“Give me a boat to make money. I… Why? Give me money!”
I’m sure he will be fine.
Official Home of the New Order of Highsec
Panty00 lost a Gila.
Some people allege that we make fun of miners.
In fact, we sympathize with them.
Nobody would mock a hapless miner.
“Give me a boat to make money. I… Why? Give me money!”
I’m sure he will be fine.
CSM Angry Mustache made a fan art.
Meanwhile, carebears are concerned.
Nova worries about noob jump freighters.
Who will save the newbros?
Nova is delusional.
We met Nova last year, at the Battle of Torrinos.
This is the ‘antiganking main’ of Everess 88.
Everess knows the current year is actually 1985.
After sending me a billion isk, Everess became a former fan.
All antigankers are like totally incompetent.
What a crazy loon!
This is clinical madness.
Thanks for the free killmail!
Highsec is rough.
Alchemetic fled to lowsec.
Griefers in Amamake?
What is happening to EvE Online?
Alchemetic wanted quick easy isk.
However, griefers are everywhere…
This is just a game.
Why don’t griefers go to nullsec?
Lowsec should be a SAFE SPACE for new players.
Griefers are ruining the game!
Stupid space bullies!
Miners like to roleplay.
They are “not a miner”.
Silly miners!
All they do is mine.
Are new players exempt from PvP?
Rookies are, by definition, less than 30 days old.
Although it’s not clear what constitutes “rookie griefing”, it can only occur within a few specific locations.
What exactly is griefing? Nobody knows. I’ve spoken with several gamemasters, and they clearly do not agree with one another. They informed me that CCP has no official definition. Aside from three examples, there is no formal policy.
We are not allowed to scam new players (within a rookie system), or trick them into opening a yellow box, or disrupt the tutorial. However, what happens when a rookie begins mining? They are no longer in the tutorial, so are we allowed to PvP? Indeed, a gank is not a scam, nor a trick, nor is it a scenario in which we “fire freely”.
Is ganking griefing? I find it noteworthy that the rookie griefing policy does not mention ganking, at all.
Only forum trolls claim otherwise.
I’ve asked CCP, whether ganking new players is allowed. If the developers did not want to endanger nubs, then why send them to Hek (a notoriously dangerous system)? I believe the intent is to expose rookies to PvP, via the risk of ganking. I can’t say that CCP agrees, but I asked if they agree, and they certainly did not disagree.
Regardless, Landslide is not a new player.
He died in Eystur, which is neither Lustrevik nor Hek.
He still claimed rookie rights.
What a loser crybaby!
He reported all my accounts.
All of them.
He cried for a long time.
Landslide believes in the Hateless doctrine.
PvP, in a PvP game, is “greefing”.
Landslide decided to take a stand for justice.
He reported everyone.
Subsequently, Landslide followed me to Abudban.
He was on cougar patrol.
The other miners mocked his emotional distress.
The miners didn’t listen to Landslide.
Nobody cared.
Landslide begged Hon Risalo to flee.
However, Hon didn’t want to stop mining.
Indeed, Hon won -46.7 million isk!
Landslide was left crying into the void.
There was nobody left to run away.
I just keep going.
Aiko Danuja is the future of EvE Online.
I know what miners need.
I’m here to help.
Remember, you must pay to play.
I’ll do whatever it takes.
You need a friend, and I need money.
There are a lot of pretenders and wannabes, but a divine spark animates the one true New Order alliance.
Fate and Destiny smiles upon the faithful.
Our enemies cannot even fight back.
I’m going to kill all them miners.
It’s not roleplay.
Ya know?
Atomium lost his barge.
He wasn’t pleased.
I wanted him to understand.
He would never be happy.
He’s just a poor miner.
My name is Aiko, and I’m a grieferette.
Ok, laterz!
Orcas have a question…
When will Hateless release his next EvE video?
Hawk vowed to kill Orcas, until Hateless makes a video.
Why is an EvE Partner rewarded for doing nothing?
What is he paid for?
Is it griefing, when you are paid to play?
I’ve heard the allegations, and let me be clear. I would never encourage anyone to visit that discord. His content is boring, like watching a grown man play Starcraft PvE by himself.
Nor would I ever ask anyone to take screenshots. However, since people (not associated with me) are taking screenshots, I might as well discuss what is already in the public domain.
Discussion is not illegal.
The Orcas believe Hateless got them killed.
Some Orcas suspect Hateless is ganking them.
Many Orcas feel Hateless is mocking their distress.
They know he is at fault.
They know Hateless is condescending.
They know Hateless is dishonest.
Fortunately, Hateless has a solution.
This EvE Partner wants to break the rules.
Hateless encourages people to violate the Terms of Service.
So Lexii decided to scam CCP.
This is a 2008 character , with 5 accounts.
They literally brag about AFK mining.
They’ve been ganked, and they have ganked (repeatedly).
This person does not deserve reimbursement.
Today I suffered an irrecoverable loss due to ganker crews in high sec. I do not feel I can continue to enjoy this game at this point. If my ship and cargo were reimbursed, Ill consider staying, but I do not feel like having to grind…
Lexii exploited the reimbursement program.
Will CCP reimburse your loss?