Neurotica 1

What happened to Erotica 1?

Banned forever, he traveled to Facebook.

I would never dox anyone, but to be fair, Mr. Justin has repeatedly and intentionally doxxed himself. At one point, he wrote (and I quote), “My name is Justin [Redacted]. My home address is [Redacted]. My phone number is [Redacted]. I am Erotica 1. You can’t dox me, because I’ve already doxxed myself.” Subsequently, he had a lot to say.

In particular, he used his celebrity status as advertising for his mystery project, a lawfully regulated business registered with his local state government. Of course, he also ran for President of these United States, and King of Jamaica. Consequently, Erotica is a public figure. This is a choice he made, and one which we must accept.

A curious choice, to be sure.

Of course, his business still needs something…

…perhaps, a robust legal team?

A minimal financial investment is also expected.

Seems legit.

Oh, he also made a blog…

In fact, multiple blogs…

To be continued…

Warcdeck SHAME

Recently, we learned that warcdeck griefing is out of control. In EvE Online, there is nothing you can do to stay SAFE.

I wanted to report this to the EvE Online forum community. However, doing so is a violation of the EULA…

Fortunately, I have a blog.

Thotapleb is widely hailed as the most dedicated antiganker.

He is the only loser of the Guardian Angel Award.

It all started when thotapleb got ganked, after which he began obsessively antiganking empty pods.

Three years later, he joined the once mighty Goonswarm. As readers may recall, this is a carebear’s best revenge.

Now he has to kill 1’309’276 more pods, just to break even.

The biggest joke, aside from thotapleb joining the very alliance which originally ganked him, is this…

Haha, lol, gf!

Despite blobbing like a coward, with 2344 other crabs to protect him, thotapleb failed to ensure that his bowhead followed basic safety protocols, and he got dunked by a lone mercenary.

Next time, stay out of Highsec!