As your official Saviourette (yours, and yours), I am pleased to announce that the mighty CODE. alliance continues to win daily.
That’s right.
This is some high praise!
I’ll allow it.
I like when people pay me to endorse myself.
Tweeps has been funding the alliance for a long time.
I imagine she will continue.
I’d super hate to be on her blacklist. Tweeps has so many alts, like literally thousands. It would be nigh impossible to play EVE, against an enemy who can destroy an entire alliance, without even bothering to login. Fortunately, Tweeps likes the CODE. and that’s part of our secret recipe — we have powerful friends in Highsec.
When I first met Tweeps, people told me to be careful. They said she is a dangerous evil scammer, who would take everything I have. Actually, they had it all backwards. Tweeps is really great, and I’m also like totally invincible. Everyone should strive to be more like Tweeps, and send everything they have to me.
Tweeps celebrated her wise investment, donning a party hat of solid gold, inlaid with diamonds, rubies, emeralds, amethysts, and chunks of pure zydrine.
In the old days, James would tip his own hat, in honor of such tribute. As a Princess, I can offer a slight wave of my hand, and perhaps a little something extra.
As word spread, spontaneous celebration erupted within the sacred Minerbumping channel, where everyone loves me.
Of course, friend.
We also had a big party in Teamspeak.
Everyone was invited. Some people were afraid to come, because they are intimidated by a strong woman, but apparently Aiko is really nice. Everybody enjoyed the opportunity to mix and mingle with their Saviourette, discussing personal goals, and how the OHNO! treasury might benefit their corporation.
Praising spread through every channel in the galaxy.
We had a super swell time.
Eventually, all parties come to an end.
Let’s do it again!
I was trying to decide if I should buy a fifth Titan, and intervene in the war. However, Magalaus Shardani had a much better idea.
Let’s just kill the bears.
All of them.
Tweeps is a freakin madman!
Praise Aiko!
yeyeye gonna kill dem miners!