Everybody knows, PvP is inherently sexual.
Non-consensual PvP is literally rape IRL.
Look, serial gate rapers are NOT cool.
However, Io offers a sensible rebuttal.
Is ganking ACTUALLY rape?
Also, is this maybe offensive?
I find ‘rape’ allegations to be a bit much.
Look, I enjoy sexting whilst ganking, but that’s not rape.
What if I call miners ‘raper bots’ or ‘pedobears’?
I think I’d get banned straight away!
Let’s see what a ‘gate rape’ actually looks like.
As you can see, 2scared was just an innocent young girl.
This is the EvE Online I remember…
Miners are fucking crazy, IRL.
At least, CCP enforces the EULA fairly and evenly.
What’s next, bumping is genocide?