Rookie Salt

Why kill corvettes?

I gank for fun, not isk.

If you don’t like it, whatever.

We are here for entertainment.

The true measure of a kill is the salt.

Any gankbear can get yet another killmail.

I’ve got tens of thousands (more than you).

So no, I’m not sorry.

Some people will never understand.

It’s not about isk (or slot plug count).

It’s about actual FUN in EvE Online.

I’m a real gankerette.

Unfortunately, some people are never happy.

They literally sit there for hours.

That drives them crazy.

What will happen next?

Actually, maybe I should make a website?

This sounds like content!

Oh wait, there’s more?

That’s right.

That’s right!

That’s right…

Until next time…

Welcome back!

To be continued?

Oh look, this miner did a cloak trick…

That’s incredible.


That’s why we gank miners.

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