Code Ready Gelhan, Part 54

Code Ready Gelhan, Part 1

The gmae was ruined.

Mission Ready Mining had a recruiting problem.

Fly Fearless alliance was infested with tunnel snakes.

Executor Gai Heiyuu was at fault.

The buck stops at the top.

Suddenly, EvEmail…

“Without any warning whatsoever, an unsolicited EVE-mail arrived in the inbox of every single member of Mission Ready Mining. This was no ordinary EVE-mail. It was a corpmail. But this communication was special for another reason; it happened to contain a link to a minerbumping post about Mission Ready Mining. Curiously, it also includes a quote attributed to Tora Bushido, as well as references to the mysterious Assistance Group.

A shiver ran down the thing that MRMNG CEO Gai Heiyuu had been passing off as a spine. He had been fearing this day might come since the spring of 2017, when he ordered the emergency evacuation of Gelhan. *They* were back.”

Editor’s Note: Yes, I am quoting an illustrated narrative, published privately in a secret Discord.

Historian’s Note: This incident explains why members of a corporation are no longer allowed to mail everybody else in the corporation.

MRMNG went into full spai lockdown.

Friends turned on one another.

To be continued…

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