Listening to: Goodbye Venture
Hey there Venture enthusiasts.

It’s been a lot of fun!

We now conclude the December Doubles.

Each Venture in December was worth two (2) points.

One individual really doubled up!
- 1178: CASTOLE
- 134: Amy Pollard
- 114: Aaaarrgg
- 90: Mendax es
- 82: Nira Mangeiri
- 48: Dishrag
- 30: ooo so flashy
- 26: Youareapleb
- 24: Yes Mr Cheng
- 22: Zopiclone
Wow, that’s amazing.

Who was the fattest Venture?

Stay tuned! Next month is SUDDEN DEATH January. This is the perfect time to make a New Year’s ganking resolution.

PS: Send CASTOLE a few billion isk. He’s earned it.