Check it out.

It gets worse.

Oh, there’s more.

Does CCP take meaningful action against bots in EvE Online?


Woah, there’s more?

Oh wow.



Well, ok then.

Official Home of the New Order of Highsec
Check it out.
It gets worse.
Oh, there’s more.
Does CCP take meaningful action against bots in EvE Online?
Woah, there’s more?
Oh wow.
Well, ok then.
Hey Tweeps, it’s me Aiko!
I sure love ganking.
I’ve made a lot of friends to rub with.
I want to help everyone.
Ya, you love it.
You like that?
Yes baby.
Nope, sorry.
I think some people will disagree!
This miner wanted to be so special.
How many are me?
What a loser.
Oh well.
Ok buddy.
These people…
Thanks for the free isk, bro.
Pleasure doing business with you.
Hey there.
Makhzen looks a lot like me.
What a cutie!
Unfortunately, she died.
So we had a chat.
We each learned a lot about each other.
At first, she wanted revenge.
Next, she cried.
Would Makhzi quit the game? snif..
She showed everyone her pitiful lossmail.
Perhaps someone would buy her a new one?
No problem, friendo!
I love to help.
Another happy ending!
Listening to: Get Well Soon
It was the most expensive ship xAtlas42x ever lost.
This made it difficult to fly fearless.
Mission Ready Mining had a real mining problem.
New players were quitting the game, due to endless boredom.
However, Assistance Group was determined to help.
Just in time, Kurisa finished her eyeshadow.
It was time to play EvE Online.
Kurisa, aka Kalorned, is a certified mining instructor.
This time, the Tunnel Snakes won.
This was before my time.
Slayer got slayed, and his own alliance mocked him.
Gandaulf the DeGrey is no longer laughing.
CCP was gonna need to patch the game.
Meanwhile, the biggest corporation in Highsec enjoyed rapid growth.
Hundreds of newbros were joining!
The alliance grew twenty percent in four months.
That was the start of a long slow decline.
Things were about to get worse.
To be continued…
uh oh spaghettio…
Welcome to the Krig Povelli show.
This miner was quite calm.
Sorry ladies…
I finally got what I want.
I rammed this miner good.
He loved it.
I just had one more request.
I wanted him to leave.
I also wanted to heal the game.
Furthermore, he needs a mining permit.
Eventually, he noticed my superior social standing.
This really triggered him.
Eventually, we parted ways.
I’m glad we met.
Thanks for the memories!
Today, we decided not to grief any miners.
Let’s just meet them instead.
cataclysm jane is one of PanFam’s mighty miners.
Cool lifestyle.
This miner explained the technical lingo.
0.0 is for 0.0s.
Let’s meet an antiganker.
Double WoW!
Hey, don’t kill yourself in EvE Online.
I’ll do it for you.
I like to play.
Miners are real dumb.
What a ‘waste’.
That’s right.
It’s not easy being a miner.
That’s why I help new players.
I volunteer with EvE University.
I’m sure they appreciate it.
That’s right.
Cheerzah brav.
Hey there.
That’s right.
Miners have a lot of questions.
That’s fine.
They are allowed to wonder…
They won’t like the answers.
Calm down miners.
Listening to: Dental Plan
The Second Battle of Torrinos began with a bang.
Aiko Danuja > are u asking me to come to torrinos?
Envoy Arby > YA
Aiko Danuja > Kill: RossRed (Mackinaw)
Envoy Arby > hahaha
Aiko Danuja > BACK TO BERLIN
Envoy Arby > TAK TAK DOBRE
Triple Commissar Centurion RossRed exploded.
It was a surprise inspection.
Absolute Trash alliance declared a State of Griefing.
Lieutenant Comrade Ihamori Isu was still alive.
He contacted random people to chat.
Ok buddy, sounds great!
The defense fleet was led by Lt.Cmsr valfurian saraki.
He is a Toltec paladin for TRUMP, and an experienced failganker.
Well, you can’t win every fight.
[ 2024.09.15 17:59:19 ] Thaicylias > that was fun
The fleet was dying.
Bystanders were amazed, as bot Mackinaws kept mining.
Even invincible Ihamori died.
Advo was uncloaked, and tryhard Kinhard lost a second Ferox.
It was an absolute disaster.
ABSOD discord was abuzz with confusion (and bemused spies).
It was not a good fight.
Triple Commissar Centurion Striknor was frustrated.
Meanwhile, valfurian joined a new fleet.
It was a veldspar fleet in Ibura, adjacent to Torrinos.
valfurian was happy to find a chill fleet in Lonetrek.
Of course, he’d never met April before.
Nevertheless, valfurian vowed revenge.
However, something went awry…
Uh oh!
Those darn gaunkers jumped the gate!
Teamwork makes the Dreamwork.
I tried to help him.
He was too busy.
valfurian failed again.
valfurian will never be safe.
He will never ever ride that Happy Hooker again.
Another win for Team Aiko.
Congratulations all around.