Listening to: Classic Jungle Minx

Hey there, Credo Crusaders.

We love miners) )

That’s true.

Why run with Safety?

Well, why not?

That’s right.

Do your thing in EvE Online.

I’m having fun.

Stay Safe!


Official Home of the New Order of Highsec
Listening to: Classic Jungle Minx
Hey there, Credo Crusaders.
We love miners) )
That’s true.
Why run with Safety?
Well, why not?
That’s right.
Do your thing in EvE Online.
I’m having fun.
Stay Safe!
What happened?
Nobody likes a miner.
We kill miners )))
“Bitch, you are jerking people off killing them. I feel sad that your older brother rapes you. Your attempt to self validate on the internet will not help. You need a real psychologist. You are sick. I pity you”
I pity the miner.
Why does the miner spew?
Let’s find out!
Get drained.
Let’s read that again…
That’s right.
That’s right!
Welcome to EvE Online.
There’s a learning curve.
That’s right.
Service guaranteed.
Agents are standing by.
I love this game.
That’s right…
Hey there.
We ganked a garbage truck.
Garbage can tycoon.
Billions of catalysts died…
Miners be crazy in EvE Online.
This is the game we play…
Even garbage haulers are miners!
Be ye pirate, or be ye miner?
At least he’s not mad.
Talking about real dollars…
Oh my.
Miners deserve their fate.
I hope they calm down.
No reason to be dramatic.
Nobody likes a miner.
For real.
It’s crazy, right?
That’s right.
The war went poorly.
So then, they recruited their own tormentors.
In hindsight, that was kinda dumb.
Things were getting real.
In Uemisaisen, old friends met again.
New players had their first adventure.
Would the carebears save them?
They needed Assistance.
Whee, indeed.
To be continued…
Of course you do.
These days, it’s not just Highsec.
Some agents have been helping wormbears.
PI botter down!
Go HighSecGanker go!
Of course, Highsec remains our beloved home.
One miner (I forget who), drew me euthanizing them.
The mind of a miner is a terrible thing…
I guess MarkeeDragon is a streamer?
A criminal too…
He’s also hostile??
Apparently, this is his alt???
Oof. That freighter looks like some kind of fat beetle, getting swarmed by ants and slowly ripped apart.
Now, Markee claims CCP gives him preferential treatment (as they do for all streamers), and CCP nobility blesses his stream. He threw out some big namedrops to prove he is CCP approved, and I swiftly recognized one of those names. Clearly, based on this political reality, I must tread carefully, to delicately address a claim which Markee repeatedly alleged (before retracting, and then realleging, and then retracting, before realleging). He accused me of cheating!
So, here is the question of the day – was Markee streamsniped (and thereby griefed, in violation of rules which don’t forbid streamsniping, even though carebears pretend otherwise)?
The answer, believe it or not, is no.
For some reason, perhaps because he got dunked, Markee declined to preserve video evidence. Regardless, any investigation will unveil Mr Markee was indeed autopiloting directly toward me. He tried to argue that he wasn’t, based on his physical proximity to a keyboard, but I watched his stream and heard the phrase “Autopilot Engaged” followed by “Autopilot Jumping”. As Eve Online’s most professional streamsniper, my services were clearly not needed here – autopilot ensured Markee’s inevitable demise. In this particular case, the sniper rolled her eyes, rested her rifle on its tripod, and patiently waited.
Let’s see what streamer simps had to say.
As always, they tried to shame us for PvP.
They claim Weekend Kusion Aikos are afraid.
This is the most typical whining.
We’ve heard it ten thousand times before.
Cool chat.
That’s right.
He knows…
Dock up!
It’s not easy being a miner.
Antigankers can’t save you.
CCP won’t save you.
You might as well quit.
That’s right.
In EvE Online, some things never change.
That’s just the game.
Some people enjoy it.
Others do not.
Listening to: Shadow Hunter
Oh hi, ya, I live here.
Sort of like a place you might expect me.
This is what GPT says we do.
#1 alltime destroyer/battlecruiser/bomber ALLTIME CHAMPIONS
PewPEWpew – heavy flak from barski
Now that’s REAL PvP.
I’ll add him to the list.
2+8+3=1 Dead Orca
It’s never too late to repent.
They wonder why we gank them…
In thirteen plus one day…
4.91 = 4 + 9 + 1 = 13 + 1
4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 13 + 1
We caught a war criminal, in EvE Online.