I don’t like to laugh at miners…

…but this is objectively funny, bro.

Official Home of the New Order of Highsec
I don’t like to laugh at miners…
…but this is objectively funny, bro.
What a battle.
Our team lost nothing.
One man, destroyed them all.
Arion Yael > TLHOG The safety guy took the drones
TLHOG > well the drones were always a sacrifes
It began with a fight over drones.
Manolo Acosta > Are they attacking you?
Arion Yael > Yeah
Manolo Acosta > run?
Arion Yael > I’m scrammed
Before long, things escalated.
Eloum Heir > My orca 🙁
TLHOG > did you lose it?
Eloum Heir > Not yet
BitComet > how much shiled u got left?
Eloum Heir > 28%
Eloum Heir > Help is coming
Aunmia Serine > Anyone arrived yet?
Aunmia Serine > well that was worth a try lol
However, help was on the way?
Rimmer of Smeg > ive got 3 on way but 6 jumps out
Rimmer of Smeg > if we free you get the hell docked
Rimmer of Smeg > and dont fly it for 30 days
Indigo Lockhaven > well concord got me
This is when things started to go wrong.
Terribly wrong.
Eloum Heir > My orca is almost dead
kaos hayabusa > damn man
Rimmer of Smeg > Eloum Heir allign to dock so you get out
Eloum Heir > I’m already alligned 🙂
kaos hayabusa > how much time estimated to die?
Rimmer of Smeg > someone finish him off!
Bro, wtf?
Hey there!
Remember miners…
Stay SAFE!
Does anyone else think miners are special?
Me too!
Oh hi!
It’s not easy being a miner.
They are kinda stupid.
That’s why I always reimburse their losses.
I hope they are happy.
Maybe they should try ganking?
I recently cancelled New Order shares, replacing them with Aiko Points. Isn’t that nice? VCBee 315 thus realized the New Order is bankrupt, whereas Princess Aiko has stood the test of time. How long has it been, since you heard from James 315? I bet it’s been awhile. Indeed, Aiko Points are the smart man’s choice for financial investment. VCBee thus purchased 35 points, at 1 billion isk per point.
Apparently, he had to liquidate some assets.
Bee well.
I’ll never forget you!
Antigankers are not very smart.
They are salty miners.
Jesus is my scout.
Fucking CCP… amirite?
That’s right.
Gyatt Festival, Dodixie Federal Test Center – Stardate 23360
System: Misneden
Today, I am nullifying all outstanding New Order shares. They no longer have any value whatsoever. For those who donated, I say “Thanks for the free isk, bro.” So now what?
You must pay again!
Highsec deserves better. Since I always be best, I am perfectly positioned to provide points for every citizen of Aikospace, ensuring isk flows for eternity. Even a bearpleb can succeed through my grace. In ganking,you can and will be saved.
I am pleased Aiko Points are available for merely 1 billion isk. Each capsuleer must purchase as many points as they can, in addition to the requisite mining permits, travel visas, and/or blue passes. To encourage you in this quest, bonus points will be awarded at the following tiers: 5 billion, 20 billion, 100 billion, 315 billion, 1 trillion, and 5 trillion. Furthermore, a very special reward will be offered to each shareholder who is the first to claim a bonus tier, and annual shareholder parties will celebrate the most generous supporters of Highsec ganking.
In fact, I have decided the ultimate second-place in EvE Online will be whomsoever sends the most isk. I ask, “How much isk do you have, and why?” This is your chance to find out. Unlike you, I guarantee that all isk will be used for ganking. Now that’s a square deal!
ISK, assets, skill points, shares, and PLEX can always be sent to Aiko Danuja, to finance Aiko points. Every purchase will be formally acknowledged, solemnly honoured, and joyously commemorated on the brand new leaderboard, which I will update once I am done investing your isk. This is all outlined in my original shareholder agreement, as codified by myself. That’s reasonable and fair.
Miners have a lot to say.
Oh, ok…
Yuo stuid!
Miners don’t have to abide by CCP’s EULA.
I slept my way to the top!
Miners in Highsec… who knew?
I have 30,000 more of these (yes, really)…
It’s just endless…
This is the real EvE Online.
Hi-sec is just a damned lie!
That sounds fun!
To be continued…