Listening to: Good Hearted Woman

The incursion community was dying…

Halbarad begged his fellow miners to perish in silence.

However, it would be a painful noisy death.

For example, Roulin insists upon depressing everyone.

With friends like that, you don’t need any other reason to quit.

Despite ending the conversation, quitbaby Roulin felt a need to repeatedly share his dreary pessimism.

After forty long minutes, one optimist saw a silver lining.

What was taking so long?

Andres was hungry, and someone was taking a nap.

Later that evening, the mothership exploded.

Imagine that.

The miners debated paying their lawful taxes.

As you can see, Zilvra Selvaris is extremely uncool.

An hour later, Halbarad Dovanna quit.

Failure consumed his fragile emotions.

Hawk thus defeated another useless carebear.

Esmute shared her timeless miner’s wisdom.

Gankers are easily bored – right?

I wonder who will get bored first?

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