Mister McGibblets is known for hysterics.

What would happen if he lost an Orca?

Let’s find out!

This is the kind of person antigankers support.

Hawk was bullied by the toxic carebear.

Hawk tried to care.

However, the miner would not stop.
McGibblets claimed bankruptcy.

He shared a pitiful tale of woe.

Originally, he quit EvE Online.

After having a kid, and quitting his job, he came back.

Hawk ruined everything!

McGibblets continued the unsolicited manifesto.

He chose EvE over his own family.

However, does the family even exist?

With no response from Hawk, McGibblets invented a reply.

McGibblets then responded to ‘Hawk’.

It was a stirring monologue.

PvP, in a video game, is terrible to behold.

I didn’t want to get involved.

However, he changed my mind…
To be continued…
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