Why Do I Gank?

I don’t like bot miners.

They make me sick.

Put them down.

It’s what I want.

What do you want?

Official Home of the New Order of Highsec
Why Do I Gank?
I don’t like bot miners.
They make me sick.
Put them down.
It’s what I want.
What do you want?
Welcome to EvE Online.
Miners are often calm.
Mining permits are just 100 million isk.
It’s a rent increase.
Right now, we have a special.
It’s dangerous out there.
Ma’Casonell got griefed on.
CCP has declared war upon non-profit gankers.
Ganking is only ethical for isk/hr gankbears.
Non-profit ganking is evil.
Unfortunately, DemiaN lost a pod.
Aaaarrgg wasn’t even trying to profit…
DemiaN knows how to deal with non-profit greefers.
Killrights are a lucrative opportunity!
It’s not a sin, if you murder for money.
Just for the record, a CCP gamemaster told me that asking miners to calm down is clear evidence of griefer intent, as this phrase is deliberately and intentionally used to amplify and mock the genuine emotional distress of poor innocent Highsec miners. Oh, those precious newbros, angel DemiaN has only been playing for seven short years.
I guess even Aaaarrgg gets hit on.
Meanwhile, time was running out…
Would Aaaarrgg see what matter is?
Will we see us?
Miners are so stupid!
What’s wrong with them??
I know the truth.
Silly bears!
Each day of reality is a full year in EvE Online. Obviously, battleships cannot repair catastrophic damage in the blink of an eye, nor can a spaceship accelerate instantaneously to velocities exceeding several thousand times the speed of light. That’s nonsense.
We experience EvE through a relativistic blur. One minute lasts six hours. Consequently, capsuleers are ancient space vampires, hundreds and even thousands of years old.
James 315 died in Poinen, on May 17, 2012. That was three thousand eight hundred and thirty-five years ago.
It’s been nearly a millenia, since we acknowledged this, with a modest funeral. Roleplayers continue to praise an absent messiah, but people without autism move on.
Meanwhile, CCP has waged a Great Crusade against non-profit ganking. Apparently, if you steal billions from a new player, that’s ok. However, if you gank a half penny Venture, then you are a born again griefer. With this in mind, for the past few years, I have been meditating in lowsec. What is the future of ganking, after CCP changes the rules?
Antigankers are so incompetent, that CCP decided to nerf bumping, increase hitpoints, remove tether, and prevent docking. However, if CCP truly doesn’t support PvP gameplay, then why bother? I’ve got better things to do, than fight carebear developers. If they really want to convert EvE into a boring AFK grind simulator, well ok!
Ever since Falcon left CCP, emergent gameplay has been nerfed and restricted. The PvP community has declined, and content has evaporated. James 315 was inspired by Falcon, but today we live in a different reality. It’s no longer the same game.
I was thinking about this last year (yesterday), when I arrived in Gamis. It was here, two thousand years ago, where Kalorned established his home. A lot of people claim James 315 loved them. However, who did James 315 actually write about?
This is for you, Kalooronded.
I made a profit, but that was never my intent.
To protect new players nullsec jump freighters, the game is more tedious than ever. EvE is an incredible grind.
Recently, I patrolled the elite dangerous zone. I departed from Amphar, passing through the Abha wastes, and into the Arena.
It was completely empty, except for the Paladin in Bairshir. This miner docked up the moment I entered Sari.
Moh is nothing to write home about.
There are miners here. However, everybody is docked up. Even the Procurer in Gelhan decided to calm down.
Antiganker security forces are on high alert.
Why would a Council Diplomatic Shuttle be hiding within a debris field? Before I could investigate, it was gone.
I responded to a report of loitering.
Eleven long boring jumps.
A suspicious scene.
Another great victory!
Today’s gem comes from antiganker Githany Red.
Githany has been “a bit bored” because there isn’t sufficient opportunity to fight gankers. Her recommendation is that CCP allow gankers to dock in Highsec. That’s a good idea!
When NPCs start doing your job, you run out of things to do. I feel sorry for antigankers, and hope they don’t get too bored!