I run a PvP alliance.
Highsec is my SAFE space.
Recently, toxicninja had a Safety incident.
Subsequently, he investigated the origin of his demise.
As toxic suspected, this was a targeted assassination.
Could he guess who ordered the hit?
That’s right! It was his old nemesis, HogTits.
For nearly a full day, HogTits bullied and griefed his way through Torrinos.
Jinx Beirutbomb > Can I inquire as to the nature of your dispute?
toxicninja > honsetly i was just minning
toxicninja > he said target aquired and left the astroid feild
However, ninja needed more evidence.
Would another ganker confirm Jinx’s testimony?
She sung like a bird, throwing HogTits under the bus.
ninja had been caught by a professional bounty hunter.
Novus Plebbo wannabes copy me, because I’m the best.
In a game like EvE Online, social skills matter.
I killed toxicninja, and he liked it.
I run a “very pro team”.
In fact, we are going to kill them all.
They can thank us later.