Here are some logs!
Luci Gotti > you use macros
Luci Gotti > Goose Bee Goose Cee Goose Dee Goose Fee Goose Gee
Luci Gotti > you use macros
Goose Lee > Gf
Luci Gotti > you hit f1 on 25 accounts within .05 seconds
Luci accused the geese of cheating.
Goose Lee > My hands are fast
Luci Gotti > no they arent
Luci Gotti > IP checked
Luci Gotti > all one IP
Cyras The Virus > I smell BS, how did you “IP Check” that many accounts that fast…
He did IP checks to prove it.
Goose Lee > Stay dead noob
Luci Gotti > server timer tick check
Luci Gotti > .05 seconds
Luci Gotti > within the same tick
Luci Gotti > of eve servers you hit f1 25 times
Luci Gotti > from the same IP address
Luci Gotti > you think im a noob LOL
Luci knows a macro hack when he sees it.
Luci Gotti > you cheated
Goose Lee > I cheated you from your loot
Luci Gotti > his 25 accounts are on one computer
Luci Gotti > one IP address
Luci Gotti > f1 25 times in .05 seconds
Luci Gotti > yeah, no one can hit that many f1’s
Goose Lee > My guns are actually on F2
Luci Gotti > marco users
Luci Gotti > macros
Luci Gotti > yeah all of them
Goose Lee > dead
Lee suggested that Luci submit a ticket.
Goose Lee > File a complaint to CCP
Luci Gotti > yeah, youre a dev huh
Luci Gotti > you are arent you
Luci Gotti > you work for CCP
Goose Lee > They will say, “Hello Luci Gotti, You’re a moron.Thanks”
However, Luci knows that Goose Lee is CCP Goose.
Goose Lee > I’m not a dev nor do I work for CCP.
Goose Lee > I’m just a player
Luci Gotti > you cheated
Luci Gotti > bro youre botted
Luci Gotti > you hit f1 25 times fater than a human can
Luci Gotti > hit f2 25 times in less than 0.1 seconds bro
Goose Lee > What can I say, my hands are just really fast
Luci Gotti > you are cheating bro
Luci Gotti > how can you lock and fire 25 accounts in under 2 seconds
Luci Gotti > with a 1.6 seconds lock tim LOLOL
Luci Gotti > try it
Goose Lee > What is my IP
Luci Gotti > stop trying to convince me when we all know you botting bro
Luci Gotti > you are using macros and repeaters and all sorts of crap
Goose Lee > So report us to CCP if we’re cheating
Luci Gotti > i dont care what you say bro, logic, and proof shows you are
With logic and proof, Luci made his case.
Luci Gotti > you are a dev, and your job is to cause spending which is illegal, or you are macro using HS ganker LOL
Luci Gotti > bro, you cheat, and bot, and use macros, on 25 accountsd to high sec gank LOLOL
Luci Gotti > i can explain it
Luci Gotti > bro hes macro botting
Cyras The Virus > no he is not…
Luci Gotti > and 50 acoutns
Luci Gotti > macro;’d botted
Luci Gotti > Goose Lee hey goosde i fucked you mom
Goose Lee > I fucked your freighter
Luci Gotti > Goosie, i fucked you sister too and your mom at the same time LOL
Luci Gotti > it was insestual
Luci Gotti > report me
Luci Gotti > for having insest weith your mom and sister LOL
Luci’s argument was most reasonable.
Goose Lee > I think you’re mad
Luci Gotti > come on man
Luci Gotti > am i harassing oyu?
Luci Gotti > am i harassing you bro?
Luci Gotti > i put your sister on top of your mom
Luci Gotti > then fucked them both
Luci Gotti > macro using chump
Luci Gotti > your cheating LOL
Luci Gotti > it wont matter, i’ll get all my stuff back from CCP, simply because you cheated
Luci Gotti > but hey, you are they type of person who cheats in a 18 year old video game in HIGH SEC
Luci Gotti > hey your mom sucks goast dick
Luci Gotti > LOL
Kapitane Bombardiero > well that is rude
This is who antigankers support.
Luci Gotti > you cheated LOL
Luci Gotti > you used a macro
Luci Gotti > you locked 25 ships within 1 second
Luci Gotti > not possible
Luci Gotti > then you fired on all 25 accounts within .05 seconds
Luci Gotti > again not possible
Luci Gotti > you are a cheater and you cheat, to fight non war ships in high sec
Luci Gotti > your that low LOL
Luci Gotti > and i fucked you mom and your sister on top of each other
Luci Gotti > cause you’re a cheter
That’s cool, I guess. You can do what you want in the sandbox.
Luci Gotti > i can agent locate you and follow you around
Luci Gotti > you fucking moron
Goose Lee > I live in Odin
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > sorry was that spamming
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > im spamming bro
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
I’m glad to be on the winning team.
Luci Gotti > Goose Bee Goose Cee Goose Dee Goose Fee Goose Gee so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > Goose Bee Goose Cee Goose Dee Goose Fee Goose Gee so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > Goose Bee Goose Cee Goose Dee Goose Fee Goose Gee so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > Goose Bee Goose Cee Goose Dee Goose Fee Goose Gee so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > Goose Bee Goose Cee Goose Dee Goose Fee Goose Gee so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > Goose Bee Goose Cee Goose Dee Goose Fee Goose Gee so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > Goose Bee Goose Cee Goose Dee Goose Fee Goose Gee so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > Goose Bee Goose Cee Goose Dee Goose Fee Goose Gee so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Luci Gotti > Goose Bee Goose Cee Goose Dee Goose Fee Goose Gee so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Taibhse Dom > If you guys manage to catch one of my freighters coming through please remind me not to bitch about being stupid likt that idiot
Luci Gotti > Goose Bee Goose Cee Goose Dee Goose Fee Goose Gee so goose when youre setting up that macro for those accounts are you using a bot repeater or a multi clicker?
Nobody likes a windowlicking more on whinebaby.