Usually, when we encounter a miner, he is sincerely apologetic.
It breaks my heart, to see destitute miners dwelling in misery. Therefore, I naturally try to ensure their ultimate success.
We all want the same thing, happy miners who rejoice at their good fortune.
Unfortunately, some gobloks are beyond saving.
Guybertini is one of the New Order’s most experienced space therapists, and he wanted to help Rais McKivit find clarity and peace.
Like most miners, Rais struggled with emotional turmoil. According to zkillboard, he hasn’t really done anything for six months, after losing three Rattlesnakes to NPC bots. When Rais saw Guybertini in local, he cried out for help.
Hidden inside a space station, desperately hoping for free counseling, Rais watched as Guybertini passed through the system. Unfortunately, Rais doesn’t have a mining permit, and I doubt it will ever be safe for him to undock. Sad!
Carebears eat children