Hola, amigos y amigas! Here are some osas that got dunked between July 26th @ 00:00 EVEtime through August 1st @ 23:59 EVEtime.
Vogon Hameraz thought he could smuggle compressed gneiss into Highsec, but he got a reality check from iZaEaRl, Gandor Ironfist, and Airne Earl. The good news is that Last Stand Enterprises is looking to hire a new hauler.
Ragnar Royce lost his gold-plated Paladin last week, and was ordered to purchase a mining permit. Ragnar ran away, hoping we would forget, but he was wrong. After a thorough search of Apanake, Ragnar was punished a second time, by Shadow Cyrilus, Sven Ole-Torssen, midijerk93 Patrouette, Yes Mr Cheng, and Buttercup Potemkin.
Roman Beshlyk was excited to finally find his niche, as a member of the Total Mining Company. Unfortunately, as you might have guessed, his exhumer failed to pass an inspection conducted by Ulianov and GAY PRIDE BOOOOOM.
joe stonegrinder wanted to make a name for himself, and decided to become a fittings innovator. We’ve all seen mining battleships before, but behold the salvage battlecruiser. Fortunately, Lyrialtus took out the trash.
Lay Klaus forgot about PvP, and decided this was a perfect time to load his jump freighter with some tritanium and a stack of ORE Expanded Cargoholds. What a goofus. Lay was evicted from Highsec by Inspector Implant, Keisharae, Jayson Kusion, Charlie Jacobson, George Painter, and Dubious Anime Name. Great job guys!
Hurricane Jefferson slapped some expanded cargohold modules on his empty blockade runner, and was promptly counter-MWDwarpcloaktricked by Augustus De Morgan, Niels Henrik Abel, and Erhard Schmidt. When Ernst Steinitz spotted an escape pod, the illegal miner was vaporized, along with his High-grade Hydras.
BONUS: I wouldn’t be the official Saviourette of Highsec, if people weren’t commissioning paintings of me, and praising my name. CODE. Origin’s in-house artist, Xeux, made a portrait of me and the boys.