As the official CODE. secretary, I recently discovered 150 megabytes of salt…
Kagemaru Ingano > New Year Lotto!!! Win your own Astero with only 5,28M to start your own explorations TODAY!!! 10more to go New Year Lotto!!! Win your own Astero with only 5,28M to start your own explorations TODAY!!! 10more to go
Kageoni Atumaru > HyperNet offer: Corelum C-Type 10MN Afterburner HyperNet offer: Coreli A-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive HyperNet offer: Coreli A-Type 1MN Afterburner
Kagemaru Ingano > New Year Eve Lotto : Win your own Gila with 35M only
When you search through the voluminous CODE. archives, you learn to despise Jita, which clogs the chat logs with endless trash. I was looking for kage1982, but he wasn’t in Jita, at least not on this day. I needed to refine my search.
I eventually found him with the wayback machine…
Channel Name: English Help
kage1982 > Hi guys i redeemed my Skill points for the log on rewards but instead of applying them its given me an item i cant use or move
That’s right friend, we are always listening – always! Now that we know what we are searching for, we can easily pick him out of a crowd, even in Jita.
Steelbreaker Onzo > HyperNet offer: Rattlesnake HyperNet offer: Large Skill Injector HyperNet offer: Panther HyperNet offer: Golem HyperNet offer: Paladin less than 4 mil per node!
kage1982 > Ernst Steinitz off to kill your mates instead
TARANTUL BEL > Предложение гиперсети: @@@@@@@@@@Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender*
EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Sobaseki
EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Isanamo
Sometimes he appears like a faint echo, far too late to affect reality…
[ 2020.05.22 21:17:03 ] Ernst Steinitz > No Permit = No Ship
[ 2020.05.22 21:17:20 ] kage1982 > watch for code
Occasionally, he is triggered, exploding like a bomb… In other cases, he will just give you the silent treatment.
Kinch Dedalus > how much is a permit?
kage1982 > code a bunch of grown men who have very sad uninteresting real lives so the pretend to be some authority on here going round attackign miners and other random players all to cover the shortfallings of real life where they are sad pathetic loosers who dont matter
Kinch Dedalus > sounds like you didnt have a permit
kage1982 > i can give you deatailed instructons of where to shove your permit
Blitz Kishunuba > i suggest you read the code
kage1982 > i sugest you shove a sansha ship up your arse
kage1982 > honestly i recon these sad twats go around telling folk they are “pro gamers” when in fact they a low class dole scum
kage1982 > best way to haze code is block their toons
When Overmind logged in to praise me and check if he was even still in CODE., Kage was already there, attacking the confused ‘agent’ with unprecedented accuracy.
kage1982 > Overmind Niminen you just sit there and cower in your station
Meanwhile, kage infiltrated the MinerBumping channel, where he boldly announced that he wasn’t intimidated by CODE.’s fearsome reputation.
zander kage > honestly though rare i bother with this toon but thought id drop by to let you know what shitbags you are
zander kage > go on all you like about ganks son not phasing me
Your Awesum Brutha > Calm down miner
zander kage > proper noob tears of salt
Ernst Steinitz > Please calm down miner
zander kage > i drink your salty tears
Sun-Tzu Rollard > he is a tough guy
zander kage > you seem mad
Your Awesum Brutha > are you interested in buying a permit?
zander kage > are you interested in stopping crying?
Faster Eddy > lol, another day, another angry illegal miner
zander kage > calm down
zander kage > calm your salty tears
zander kage > calm down you seem mad
In a galaxy full of CODE. Space Bullies, one man is always ready to dish out the salt.
Bonus Content: Pix Severus has recently decided to continue his blog, MTU Hunter. Check it out! As you know, mining structures will often explode and shower bystanders with miner bits. Some people enjoy “treasure hunting on a galactic scale”, and this hobby is certainly more respectable than mining in Isanamo.
miners disgust me.
Riveting content!
Thats right!