Previously on James315.Space… Rob-MMC’s wife was driving the family mining business into bankruptcy, and he needed 300 billion isk… fast!
ROB-MMC > The website is saying Im at a plex limit for today…..this is dumb…..aint yall the code……it wont let me buy more than the 500 plex i just bought…
ROB-MMC > I bought 2500 plexs and now they say i have to wait…..I thought you guys controlled the game……Can yall allow me to purchase more Plex as 300 bil ISK is not easy to get
Oxycon > Please bio mass all your characters
Rob’s bank didn’t trust him with money, and he began to feel desperate, contemplating a little illegal mining.
ROB-MMC > You cant mine in low or null sec as they kill you on site and say go back to hi sec… where the fuck do you mine…ha ha ha…..I really am trying to know
BillNye TheGankerGuy > karmafleet is recruiting
ROB-MMC > Lmmfao………Karmafleet they have killed me several times….they ran me from Amarr and Minmater space….they are mean as hell and hate everyone
ROB-MMC > Thsi was wayyy back in Oshiama………..I was happy here….but they just wanted war…….and they dropped my orcas like flyes…….ha ha ha… I moveed here and now yall at war as well…
ROB-MMC > When you ask to join they deny you…..its like high school
ROB-MMC > So people like me need a new game as this is a friends only game….see CCP needs to say that like only join if you have friends……so confusing
Dom Arkaral > something something make friends? git gud
It occurred to Rob that football players and cheerleaders were probably doing well in EVE, and meanwhile he was just a bitter jellybear.
ROB-MMC > Ive lost 6 orcas I thought they was going for my orca, but hit my wife……..thanks alot….but still i just want to be safe in hi sec
mat Otsito > high sec is by far the most dangerous place
Rob’s sob story was pitiful, but he still owed 300’000’000’000 isk to James 315.
ROB-MMC > I cant afford that and cant buy the plex…so I should quit and go beat the fuck out my wife as she the cause and now I cant do shit on my off day but look at her…..Yeak slapping the shit out of her…..soon as i guess log off….yall hate me now and will kill on sight thanks for the info and I should have kept this game to myself as bitches ruin everything
mat Otsito > what?
ROB-MMC > ok ok……..fuck the other 2 accts, she omega and my son is alpha……..Ill delete them now……..Can I have my main released from this EVE ass courtroom……I wanna mine….I just told this bitch she will be a single homeless parent she touch my fucking eve game…….so can i please get back to mining
Sun-Tzu Rollard > are you admitting that you are account sharing?
ROB-MMC > Im on her account fuck yes….cause she caused this….i docked my main and he sitting there……..
Oxycon > ROB434 Mays I guess this is your main then
ROB-MMC > YESSSSSSS can you not block or red flag him please
The discovery of another ROB account revealed endless pain and heartbreak…
Rob was ready to kill his entire family…
ROB-MMC > But I have 3 computers ijn my house and only use one at a time….thats why its 3 accts not 1 acct and 2 alts
ROB-MMC > I play my way and they play theres
ROB-MMC > I can delete this acct now and my son shit can be gone as we;ll
If allowing the miner to vent his profanities toward me in local saves his wife or children one extra beating, that’s something I’ll gladly take. The miner has to take it out on somebody, and I’d rather it be me than some household full of children out there.
In his infinite wisdom, James 315 foresaw such depravity, and agents of the CODE are trained to intervene and assist troubled miners.
mat Otsito > can i have your stuff before you biomass
Oxycon > Are you having some sort of mental breakdown?
Lord Osama3rd Hita > lol
Dom Arkaral > ↑
The miner was relieved to find someone he could talk to…
ROB-MMC > I work 16 hr shift at work and I play this game everyday there and its my peace of mind…….and yes i am if i have to kill this bitch for ruining my game…..she be facebook, instagram…….all that stupid shit…but wanna fuck up my eve…she lucky im on her acct trying to save it and not kicking her ass til I feel better or find 300 bil in ISK
ROB-MMC > stupid ass girl…i wanna kill her
Dom Arkaral > uhm
ROB-MMC > I was enjoying my day,,,,,,and this goof ass girl and made enemies with yall and now she upfront looking stupid and all yall wanna kill me for her stupidity
BillNye TheGankerGuy > get some help
Dom Arkaral > just log off
Knowledgeminer > wtf
Rob’s audience was increasingly appalled by his toxic masculinity, but one veteran goofus piped up to express miner solidarity.
Kariza Yang > Honestly. I can relate. I’m a disabled combat vet and play to relax.
Miners disgust me.
BONUS CONTENT: Back in 2015, James 315 created the The Official Twitter Account for Minerbumping and the New Order of Highsec.For the past five years, he has retained this closely guarded communications channel, utilized by senior directors of The Conference Elite. Now that we are wholly victorious across all of New Eden, James has solemnly authorized this Twitter account as the official VOICE of Highsec. Praise be unto James, whence floweth all good things!
Another great article, thanks James!
Praise James315, our beloved Saviour! \o/